Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
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Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
Image No: 157
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148 his arrest, but nothing to which I gave credit. His conduct, as far as I knew, before, was that of a kind and peaceable man. CHARLES O. EATON, sworn. - I reside in this city. I have been somewhat acquainted with Dr. Webster about three years; more or less intimate. I have always found him a quiet and peaceable man. I should think lie was a kind man. I am a sign and ornamental painter; have done more or less work for him, for two orthree years, at the Medical College; during his lectures, more work than at any other time. I have had occasion to go to the Medical College fre- quently. I always found him in his private room, or lecture-room. He told me, if I wished to see him at any time, to come to his private entrance by the dissecting-room. I have frequently been there when I found his doors bolted inside. At other times, and I have found them unbolted. Generally find them unbolted about his lecture-hours. 1 hove gone away a great many times, when Mr. Littlefield told me that he was in, though I found his door locked. The last time I was there was November 12th. He requested me to meet him at the College. I inquired for Dr. Webster, and the janitor told me that I could not see him, as he was busy. I told him that Dr. Webster had requested me to come there at that time. He tried the lecture-room door, and it was bolted; then the lower laboratory door, and that was bolted; and then we went round to another door, and gained admit- tance. Cross-examination. I have not been at Professor Webster's lecture- room at any other time this fall. I was there in the summer of 1849. 1 painted his diagrams, and only went there when he was there. I have not, perhaps`, been there in the summer, but in the latter part of the spring. I am sure that it was while he was lectur- ing at the Medical College. I had orders nearly every week, during his lectures. He had many diagrams that he wished done during the vacation, for the next course of lectures. He wanted me to wart till the lectures were finished for my pay. I was there four or five times a week during the lectures. Sometimes I would not go more than once a fortnight. I believe I have prepared diagrams for three courses of lectures, including the fore part of 1849. The course of 1850 is now going on. I painted some diagrams for the present course. When I prepared diagrams for Professor Webster, I was an appren- tice to Thomas C. Savory. I set up for myself October 1848. While I was an apprentice, I think I went oftener than I did after I set up in business for myself. I sometimes went three or four times a week, and sometimes every day in the week. I went on his lecture-days. I think the days when he had no lectures were Thursday and Saturday. I won't say certain. The days were in the janitor's box. The lectures did not last the whole year round. I do not know when they commenced, or what month they left off: Perhaps they commenced November, and ended in April or May. I could not say how late, but I have been there when it was warm weather; whether in April or in March, I couldn't say. 1 couldn't say that I was there in May. I couldn't say whether I had been there in the month of April, for certain. I mean to say, that I was there when it was quite warm weather; it may have been in a January thaw. I think the