Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
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Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
Image No: 155
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146 JOSEPH LOVERING, sworn. -I reside in Cambridge. I have been acquainted with Prof. Webster; have known him twenty years. He has been considered a peaceable, humane man, and I never heard any- thing to the contrary. GEORGE P. SANGUR, sworn. -- I reside in Charlestown; and am ac- quainted with Prof. Webster. Have known him personally ten years; and by sight, fifteen years. I never heard of any acts of inhumanity or violence charged against him. REv. DR. CONVERS FRANcis, sworn.-I reside in Cambridge; and am acquainted with Prof. Webster. I went to reside in Cambridge in 1842. For about twenty years, I have been acquainted with him, as a neighbor. So far as I know, he has been considered a peaceable, honest and humane man, and honorable and satisfactory in his con- duct to his neighbors. ABEL WILLARD, sworn. -I reside in Cambridge. I am acquainted with Prof. Webster. I have known him about twenty years. His reputation fdr peace and humanity has been good. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, sworn. - I reside in Cambridge, and am a carpenter. I am acquainted with Prof. Webster. Have known him twenty years, before he moved out to Cambridge. His character stood very high, as a citizen, and a good neighbor. Never knew of his being guilty of any act of violence and inhumanity. HON. JOEL GILES, sworn. -I reside in Boston in winter, and at Cambridge in summer. I am an attorney at law. Have known Prof. Webster since 1829 ; been personally acquainted, since 1845, with him. As far as my information extends, he has been considered a peaceable and humane man. Have never known any acts of violence and inhumanity to be committed by him. EDMUND T. HASTINGS, sworn.--I reside in Medford. I was for- merly a merchant. I have been acquainted with Prof. Webster. I was first acquainted with him in 1825. I have sold him land, two or three different times; the first lot was in 1834. I lived in Cambridge till 1834. I never heard anything contrary to his being a quiet, humane and peaceable man. I am much in Cambridge, on business, so that I have had an opportunity to hear concerning him. I have never heard anything against him till his arrest. JOHN A. FULTON, sworn. - I reside in Cambridge, and am a paint- er. I am acquainted with Prof. Webster, and have been for the last twelve or fourteen years. I never heard anything against his being a quiet, peaceable and amiable gentleman. I never heard any acts of violence or inhumanity imputed to him. Cross-examination. I do not remember anything to the contrary. I recollect that Dr. Webster took a very active part in decorating a hall in Cambridge, at the late inauguration; and that he had orders to stop in the decorations, and not go on any further. He did not show, as I thought, any anger. I did not see or hear that he was violent, in pulling the decorations down. JAMES D. GREEN, sworn. -I reside in Cambridge. I have been Mayor there. I am acquainted with Prof. Webster; and have known him somewhat, for fifteen or twenty years; more particularly, for the last six or seven years. He has generally, in the community, so far as: I have been able to judge, been regarded as a peaceable and humane man.