Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
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Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
Image No: 86
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77 into his room. If any one wanted to see him, I would knock on the door, if I found it bolted. I sometimes found it bolted. The reason I did not knock was, that if he chose to keep his doors locked from me, I did not choose to knock. I do not know that I ever tried to get in when his doors were fastened. r wrote down the heads of my testimony after I had been before the Coiczqr. I tried to be correct before the Coroner. I saw Mr. Merrill, and corrected my testimony about the turkey; but I don't recollect that I made any other. I may have made some minutes before the Coroner's Inquest, but don't know. I kept them to look at. Never made a new set. Never wrote them off but once. - I have read my testimony before the Coroner's Inquest a number of times, but can't say how many times. I kept it in a drawer. I never had a copy of my statement before the Coioner. I had m3 own minutes. I never read a word in that book that contains the Coroner's Inquest. What I read was my own minutes. I never heard it read. I did not want to read it. ~I could recollect it myself. Here Mr. Sohier read his statement before the Coroner, in which it was said that he felt the heat on the wall at four o'clock on Wednes- day, and heard some one in the laboratory; and asked him if he bad said that. He said he did not know that he had. Mr. Clifford said there was false punctuation in that document, which altered the sense. Chief Justice Shaw said the proceeding was irregular. Judge Merrick proceeded with the cross-examination. He showed Mr. Littlefield an advertisement of a reward, and asked him if he saw it at the time it came out.] Mr. Littlefield. I saw one like it on Monday, and carried it to the Demonstrator's room, and showed it to Dr. Holmes. Saw them stick- ing up all about the College, more than any other place. Cannot tell how early I saw the second one. I went over to East Cambridge with those who were in search of Dr. Parkman. I asked the toll-man if he was the one that saw Dr. Parkman go over on Friday. Do not recollect saying, at that, place, that I saw Dr. Parkman go in or come out of the College. Did not say, at that time, that I saw Dr. Webster pay Dr. Parkman any money. I did not say that I knew Dr. Webster did pay money to Dr. Park- man. I do not know that I saw a person by the name of Greene at that time. By Mr. Cliford. I never have made any claim to any reward. I have said that I never had made any claim, and never should. I say now that I never shall claim it. I had the heads of my testimony written down, and was reading i:. 2-er to my wife, and she told me I had made a mistake about the turkey. I went right down to Mr. Foster, and inquired, and found on his books that it was Tuesday. I then went to Mr. Merrill, one of the Coroner's Jury, and told him, voluntarily correcting it. I signed two depositions before the Coroner's Inquest. I was before the Coroner's Jury nearly two days. [Mr. Clifford said the attention of the Jury was called to some cuts or backs in the sink on the labor- atory floor where the hatchet was found, and asked Mr. Littlefield when he first saw them ; and he said he first saw them on Satur- day after Dr. Webster's arrest.] Keys of the front doors were found in Dr. Webster's apartment after his arrest. I never knew that he had