Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
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Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
Image No: 81
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72 door shut after me in Dr. Ware's room. The door shuts itself; and shuts hard. Remained there till three or four minutes of two. Did not go to sleep; did not lay there long enough to get asleep. Reclined, with my head on the arm. On Friday afternoon, thought I heard some one walking in the laboratory. The sound might possibly have come from the dissecting- room. Stood near the door, and tried to get it open. Can't. say what I was listening for. Put my ear up to the door, and heard the water run. Have recollected it ever since. Heard footsteps; went back up stairs, and tried that door. When Dr. Webster came down, he passed within afoot of me. Did not speak to me, nor I to him. Left home that night about six o'clock. Was not ready to go to the party when I saw the doctor. Can't tell precisely what time it was. Tried the doors after Dr. Webster passed, and before I went to the party. Tried them, in order to get in. I do his work, wash the glasses sweep up, and prepare for fires; it takes sometimes half an hour, and some- times an hour ; sometimes it is dirty work. Recollect examining the doors after I came home ; shut the dissecting-room door, and it locked itself. The lights were out before I tried the doors of Dr. Webster's apartments and found them bolted. Tried all the doors but that of the lecture-room up stairs; that I did not try. Out of this room there are two doors. One was never used; it has two locks; Dr. Webster keeps the key; I hale no key to fit the upper lock. There is no slide in the door. There is a slide over the sink, that is fastened with a clasp inside, and buttoned the other side. This is not usually open. On Thursday night previous to the disappearance of Dr. Parkman, was at a ball, and got home about one o'clock. Was in Prof. Webster's rooms on Thursday afternoon, to do his work. Do not know that I was therein the night. I got home about one o'clock. I do not know that I was ever in Dr. Webster's rooms after he left. [ Mr. Sohier asked if he had not been in his rooms for playing cards, or gambling, in the night; and he declined to answer the question, but added that he might reply to it, if the time was specified. He was also asked if he remembered the time when Prof. Webster found out this fact, and what he did. He said he did not know, but he never said anything to him about it. I The water was kept running all the week. I drew off the pipes after he had gone, to prevent freezing. We used to get water there, to keep them free. I put the glass pipe under the sink, to draw the water off. I put it there after Dr. Webster was arrested. I put one there before, but it was not of glass ; but he forbade me doing it. I changed my testimony before the Inquest about the turkey. I stated that it was on Wednesday that he gave me the order-about four o'clock. Nlr. Sohier. Did you testify before the Coroner's Inquest that the order for the turkey was given on Wednesday, before or after the examination of the rooms ? 1V1r. Littlefield. The order for the turkey was given on Tuesday, and I examined on Wednesday. Mr. Sohier. But did you testify that it was before or after you examined his rooms ? Chief Justice Shaw. You are assuming something that he has not testified.