Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
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Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
Image No: 45
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36 particular day -before that Friday, when he passed close by me. Next day I told my mother I had seen him. By the Court: I heard on Saturday that Dr. Parkman had been missing. DWIGHT PROUTY, JR., sworn. - I am thirteen years of age. I go to the Phillips School, in Pinckney-street. I last saw Dr. Parkman on Nov. 23d, Friday, at ten minutes to two. I go to the school at two; and that day, when I left where I live, at number 44 Bridge-street, it wanted a quarter to two. I looked at the clock as 1 left. I came into Fruit-street, and saw George Moore, and a truck team in the mud. I also saw Dr. Parkman go along by Grove-street. I think, but am not sure, that one of the boys said, 1° There goes Dr. Parkman." I had seen him many times,before that day. I could not describe his dress that day. I last saw him when he passed on the same side of the street. George Moore's mother looked out of the window at the time, and called out it was ten minutes of two; when we left, and got to school in time. We did not stop on the way, that I can recollect of. Dr. Parkman had passed just as we left the place. Cross-examination. The truck was on the corner of Fruit and Bridge streets, just as you go round, 'and the horses heading towards the College. ELIAs FULLER, sworn. -I carry on the iron foundery trade near the Medical College. My counting-room is on North Grove-street, at the corner on the west side, from whence we can look down Fruit- street. It is about seventy-free feet from the Medical College. I knew Dr. Parkman, and saw him frequently on business. He had a claim on the land on which my foundery is built. I saw him on Friday, 23d November, 1849, between half past one and two o'clock, in front of my house, in North Grove-street, where I was waiting for Joseph Annis, whom I had an appointment to meet. I saw Dr. Parkman some time- I think, a few minutes- before two o'clock. I had looked at my watch, and had also asked my brother about the time, before Dr. Parkman passed. The first answer was, that it was twenty min- utes to two o'clock. I cannot recall all that transpired intermediately; but I feel almost certain that Dr. Parkman passed in ten minutes after. We waited a very few minutes after he passed, when we went off with Mr. Annis. Dr. Parkman went towards the Medical College. I saw the team in the mud that same day. It belonged to.Marsh & Banks. My brother is in our warehouse. Dr. Parkman bowed as he passed, and we returned his salute. With reference to the Medical College, the last time I saw Dr. Parkman, he crossed the street towards me, and thence went directly towards it. I do not know that I looked after him. Cross-examination. He, passed quietly. He had on a dark frock coat, and dark clothing generally. ALBERT FULLER, sworn, (a brother of the former witness.) -I knew the late Dr. Parkman, and had met him, occasionally, for two years. I last saw him on the 23d of last November, as he crossed Grove- street towards our building, and passed towards the Medical College I was at the door, weighing castings, at the time. He bowed to my brother as he went past. This was close to our counting-room. 1 saw him when he was within forty or fifty feet of the College, and after he had passed us. The time of the day I cannot tell to a