New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
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New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
Image No: 55
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54 have known him for 15 or 20 years; he has the reputation of being a man of principle and goodness, as t"sc as I know him. Cross-examination declined. Fifteenth witness- HALLETT, called and sworn.-I resided in Cambridge 25 years; have known Prof. W. several years; never knew any act of violence or cruelty imputed to him.. Cross-examination declined. Sixteenth witness-DANIEL TREADwELL, called.-Reside in Cambridge; have known Prof. W. many years ; his reputation has always been that of a quiet and respectable man, somewhat irritable, but ®tilT humane and harmless. The Court here adjourned until 9 o'clock, A. M., to-morrow.. NINTH DAY. The Jury came in at five minutes before 9 o'clock, and the Court follovred at five minutes past 9 o'clock. The proceedings commenced- Seventeenth tuitneSS-NATHANIEL BOWDITCH, sworn.-Reside in Boston; have known Prof. W. for seven years; never heard anything against his being of a humane and correct disposition; lie has the reputation of being an irritable man, but nevertheless a kind one. Cross-examination of tis witness declined. Eighteenth witness-J. B. HAYES, sworn.-Have known Prof. W. several years.; he has the reputation of being a kind and humane man; he is nervous, but not a passionate man. Cross-examination of yllis witness declined. Nineteenth witness-JAMES CAVANAOH.-J reside in Worcester; have known the prisoner for eight years be has the reputation of being a kind and humane man; somehat hasty, but not violent. Cross-examination declined. Twentieth witness-ABRAHAM EDWARDS, City Marshal of Cambridge, sworn.-I reside in Cambridge,, and have known the prisoner several years; he has the reputation of being a kind and humane man. Cross-examination declined. Twenty-first tvitnes8-PELEG CHANDLER, Esq., sworn.-Have known Prof. W. about twelve years; he has the reputation of being a good and humane man; he is dsdeient in energy of character and somewhat irritable. Cross-examination declined. Ttoenty-second witness-Mr. MORRILL WYMAN, sworn.-Have known Prof. W. for twelve years; he has the reputation of being a kind and humane man. Cross-examination declined. Twenty-third witness-JARED SPARES, President of Harvard College, sworn.-Hava known Prof. W. about twelve years; he had the reputation of being a kind and humane man before his arrest. . Cross-examined.-Since his arrest have heard various rumors, which I did not credit, of his being a passionate man. Tlveraty fourth tvitness-CHARLES O. EATON, sworn -I reside in Boston ; have known Prof. W. three years : am a sign and ornamental painter; have done a good deal of work for Pr of. W. during his lectures; ProŁ W, always toldme when I wanted to get into his laboratory, to comeronrid to his vote room door; have often bean there and found all the doors looked, while ProŁ W. was in ; know that was in, because th'e doors were bolted on the inside, and besides Mr. Littlefiel3, the janitor, told me he was in. I was at the college to sec Prof. W. on the 12th November, 1849 ; was told by the janitor that 1 could net see Prof. W., because he was busily engaged; showed him a letter from Yrof. W., and was let in; found all the doors of the laboratory locked. Cross examined.-Was at the college in thesummer of 18-i9; used tapaint diagrams forProŁ W:; don't know what time the lectures end in the summer; used to prepare diagrams during the summer for the fall course of lectures; was an apprentice to T. C. Savory; have been in business for myself' since October, 1848; went oftener to work for Prof. W. while 1 was an apprentice than when I was in business for myself. Have been in the college sometimes as often as three or four times a week; don't remember of.seeing ar notice in the janitor's box concerning the commencement of the lectures; don't know precisely at what time during the summer or spring the lectures terminate; think that 1 went to the co?lege in the summer season, because I saw the windows clown. I went to the college in summer to get my money collected; one bill in June and one in July; bad orders for work during the course of lectures beginning in November last, which orders have not been filled. Direct resumed.-Dent know, except by the painting of the- diagrams, at what time the lectures com- menced or ended. Twenty-fifth witness-ROBERT C-. ApTHORr, sworn.-Reside in Boston; have been intimately acquainted with Prof. W. for six years; his reputation is good as a kind an& humane man. Cross-examination declined. Twenty-sixth witness-SAmuE7, S. G REENE sworn.-Have resided in Cambridge forty years; on Satur- day, 25th Nov., 1849, I told the City Marshal that the toll-man bad seen Dr. Parkmam pass the office late on Friday afternoon; I was at the toll-house on Sunday evening when Littlefield, the janitor, came over there. I understood him to say that Prof. W. had paid Dr. P. $470 on the afternoon of his disappearance ; understood Littlefield to say that he saw Dr. P. go out of the college on the Friday afternoon; I was sitting back in my chair at the time. Cross-examined.-I think Mr. Edward Whiting was present during the conversation of Littlefield; there was also a man who looked like a policeman; 1 understood L. to say that he saw the money paid to Dr. Parkman, and that it was $480 • a mistake in saying e470; don't know whether it was L. or not who was at the toll-house on Sunday. The man who carried on the conversation said he was connected with the institution; don't remember where be saw the money paid; 1 suppose that he must have seen the money paid in he collegs; didn't understand Littlefield to say tat Prof. W. had told him that he (W.) bad paid him (P.) $480. Twenty-seventh witness-Judge S. P. P. FAY, sworn.-I reside in Cambrid e ; have known the prisoner for fifteen years ; he has always sustainedthe rputation of being a kind = humane man ; novas heard