New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
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New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
Image No: 38
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37 In pencil mark on the same note as follows:-500 of the above is G. P.'s Plus 332 equals 832, Also reversed on the same note the followin :-On payment of 832 dollars of this and interest. Dr. Webster's other mortgage and note to ~. P. of June 22d, 1$42, is to be canceled. And in pencil again-(copy)-W. has $831.23 1-2 collected. This note is also endorsed as follows :-- 1848, April 18th, received a hundred and eighty-seven dollars fifty one-hundredths, by Charles Cunningham. I gave receipt, G. P. Nov. 11th, a hundred and eighty-seven dollars fifty one- hundredths, by C. J., gave receipt. And again in pencil marks t 7-Nov. 3d, $17.66 by re- ceipt. Here the account current containing a statement of the business relations of Professor Webster and Dr. Parkman was read to the Court, a true copy of which we give below. ,dccount Current -The third paper read was a memorandum dated April 25th, 1849, and signed C. C., directed to Dr. Webster, on which is a statement of several money transactions between Dr. Webster and the late Dr. Parkman, showing that the note of $2,432, was to cover the following sums. It read as follows. " Due Dr. P., agreeing with Dr. Webster's account, $348 83. Due me, Prescott, $200. Due A. & C. C., $234, and for amount of hills paid which exceed the $1,600, but allowed by several individuals on settlement, $49 62 ; consequently, the $347 83 is included in the balance of your notes; and Dr. P. took his security in the note for $2.432, and mortgages for that sum; because he did not consider the security he had sufficient for the 88348 83, and declined surrendering the aflte,until the debt is paid He says you received a document from him, dated January, 1847, stating the amount of $2,432 covers both debts to him; the note for $2 432, is in his favor, and is held by him. Your debt to him :appears to be the old balance of $348 83, loaned to you of the $1,000; $500 deduct-paid him $376, leaves 125; giving $473 83 He says you paid him Nov. 3d, 1847, and have receipt for $17 56, without interest; $466 26 after loss of $1,600 nett. 1847, you owed Dr. Y. as above, $125 ; W. Prescott advanced $500; paid him $187 60- $312 60 Mrs P. advanced $200; paid her 75-$12b. Mr. Nye advanced $200; paid him $'150-$50. C. C. advanced $100 ; paid him $75-$26. Amount, $637 50. I have seen Dr. P. this evening, as requested by you, and trust the above contains all the information you wish." In pencil thus: " But due Dr. P. is $456 27 ; $27 37 ; $483 64." Also, in pencil. " The interest as above calculated." J . Direct examination of Constable Clapp resumed.-I took a wallet from Professor Webster at. the jail, and put my marks on the memorandums; they will be found annexed. [COPY.] ' " Mr. A. Friday received $610. $234 10, and Doctor Big., leaving $275 90; Potter cash; Dr. P. came to lecture room, forward left hand seat; students stopped; he waited till gone and came to me and asked for money; desired him to wait till Friday, 23d--as all the tickets,were not paid for, but no doubt would be then; he, good deal excited, went away; said I owed him $$484 64 ; Friday, 23d, called at his house about 9 o'clock, A. M.; told him I had the money, and if he would call soon after one, would pay him; he called at half past one and I paid him $483 64." On the 2d page of the sheet, containing the above, was also written the following " 9th. Due Dr. P., who called at lecture, $483 64, by his account; desired him to wait until Friday 28-angry." :: Friday J part 1.-Paid him to clear mortgage notes, Febuary 13th, 1847, including small one $2137 ; 125 due him on loan, which the large note covering, he agreed to give up toward sale of minerals; balance due $483 64; paid and he gave me up two notes; had not the mortgage but said he would go and cancel it; hued paid him 075 by Smith, 125 due-total, $500; the loan receipt from other persons, mortgage 22d Jane, 1842: note $400, June 22d, 1842; note $2,432 January 22d, 1847." After this a small scrap of paper was exhibited to the Court by the Government, and put in evidence; it had on it several words, such as " molasses jug," solder, " paint," &c. ; it was dated Friday 23d Nov., 1849. Direct examination resumed-On the night when we went to the College to make the search, we went with Mr. Littlefield to the door of the Professor's laboratory, and Littlefield knocked; he knocked twice before Prof. W., come-when Pro. W., came to the door, I recognized him at ante; had known him by sight for a quarter of a century; I said to him-" We have not the slightest idea of searching your rooms, but we thought that if we began by searching the College, the other people in the neighborhood couldn't say anything against having their own houses searched." Prof. W. let us in, and we passed through the upper and lower laboratories; I didn't take much notice of the rooms at the time; I went toward the privy, and some one called my attention from it; do not remember which door we went out of, whether it was out of Little- field's door or the front door ; we went to the directing-vault. The impressions made on my mind by that search were not very vivid, inasmuch as I did not suspect in the least that Dr. P. was inside the College rooms. We made every thorough search of Littlefield's apartmenta. We searched the garments of the males and females of Mr. Little- field's family ; on Friday night when Prof. Webster was arrested I was sent to the College by the City Marshal; I went down the cellar and saw the remains in the privy vault,; came up and went through the laboratory and examined it thoroughly; saw a pan in the lower laboratory which.was covered over by several pieces of freestone; I lifted the f3reestone%off the pan .with the assistance o€ another officer, and found some hard coal with pieces of bone attached to it. . I was shortly afterward sent by the City Marshal to Cambridge to arrest Prof. Webster; I went to