New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
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New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
Image No: 36
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r 35 Professor W. asked what time on Friday afternoon Littlefield bad seen Dr. P. coming toward the College ; L replied about half-past .one, P. M.; Professor W. said: " That's the very time I paid him $483 to discharge a mortgage," and that the Dr. grabbed the money and ran off as fast as he could, and as he was going, Professor W. said to him, " Now go to Cambridge and discharge the mortgage;" did not see aliyt.hing remarkable in the appearance of Dr. W. at the time. Cross- examination of this witness was declined. Thirty-third witness-Dr. JNO. B. JACKSON, called-I am Prof. of Physiological Anatomy at Harvard College, in the city of Cambridge. Mr. Littlefield had au interview with me on Fridat, at the College, at one o'clock. [The introduction of this conversation was objected to by the defense, but it was allowed to proceed by the bench, to test the relevancy of the subject matter of the conversation.] That he couldn t go into the street without being told that Dr. P. was within the walls of the Medical College, and that he meant to dig to the privy vault and examine it; I told him to go in, and if he discovered anything to go to Dr. Bigelow first, and then come to me; enjoined strict secrecy upon him in case he made no discovery, aiid pledged myself to the same; when I came home that evening I found him (L.) at my place; don't know whether W. used anatomical sub- jects in his department or not. Cross-examination of this witneqs declined by defense. Thirty-fourth, witness-G. W. TRENROLME, Policeman-My beat was at the west front of the city last November, near the Medical College; never knew Littlefield, the janitor of the College; knew Prof. W. ; saw Pr of. W. on the Sunday afternoon after the disappearance of Dr. P. ; I was standing talking to Littlefield when he came up; he (W.) said to me, °` What about that $20 bill;" C told him I did not know anything about it; he then told me the story of the Irishman offering the $20 to change for a toll of one cent. Here witness said he was mistaken, and said that he was talking with Mr. James H. Blake, late City Marshal, instead of Littlefield ; W. came up and spoke to Mr. Blake, and said that the first he had heard of the disappearance of Dr. P. was the evening before; he said he had read an account of it in a paper; Prof. Webster said that on the day of his (Dr. Parkman's) disappear- ance, he had paid him $483 and some odd cents, to discharge a mortgage, and that he (Webster) had come to the city to tell his (Parkman's friends; did not see Prof. Webster during the in- terview between that Sunday and the Saturday of his arrest. Mr. L. told me on Friday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, that lie had told the officers that every place in the College had been searched except that, and he meant to penetrate the walls and see if there was anything there. He said he (L. had felt the walls of the laboratory very hot sonic time before. I felt of the walls ; did not feel any heat there then. It was.the Friday afternoon when the remains were discovered; the conversation took place about the !;10 or $20 bill offered by the Irishman in payment of toll. Prof. W. said that the City Marshall had got the bill from the toll man, and had sent for him W., to identify it; he W. said he didn't identify it as one paid by him to Dr P.; Prof. W. then went away; just afterwards Littlefield came out and said he should be though the wall in an hour so. In about an hour afterwards Littlefied came up and said he found Dr. P. in the vault, and that he was going for Dr. Bigelow; lie went off, and I went into Littlefield's house, intend- ng to go down into the cellar to see the result of his discovery. Mrs. L. asked me if I was not afraid to go down; told her no, and she then gave me a lamp and opened the cellar door; I went down, and looking into the vault through the hole in the wall, saw the parts of the body described; shortly Marshal Tukey, Dr. Bigelow, and the others came down. To the Court-The remains were taken out of the vault and laid on a board; they.were left there till the party came down. Direct-I was left in charge of the College until Prof. W. was brought down by the party; he (W ) was brought down about 11 o'clock at night; 1 was not at the door when he (W.) came; Littlefield came up stairs and told me that Prof. W. had come; the party went to the laboratory, the door of which was forced in ; we went to the privy and asked where the key of it was; Little- field replied that Prof. W. had it. Prof. W. said he had not got it, but that it was hanging up on the shelf; we took down the key he showed us, and went to the under laboratory, and tried it, but it would not fit the 1cMk of the privy the door of the privy ryas then broken open; Professor Webster appeared to be confused; wLiile in the lower laboratory, he was more agitated than when lie was in the upper one; he called for water, and when it was brought to him, he snapped and bit at those who offered it; Officers Adams, Rice, and myself, remained at the cell all night; I remained there until Sunday afternoon; was relieved from duty only a few minutes at a time; during this inter- view, I was not under orders to keep a strict watch upon Mr. L. or any one else at the time ; the place was properly and securely guarded; the remains were put in a box, nailed up and placed in the privy: an inquiry was made for the hatchet belonging to the laboratory; W. re- plied, down the sink; I think Mr. Littlefield succeeded in finding the hatchet. Cross -examined.-Prof. W. accosted me on Friday afternoon, saying, " What about tile $*20 bill?" he said something about the City Marshal at Cambridge in connection with this bill. I was acquainted slightly with the Professor at that time. I saw Littlefield on Saturday, the day after the disappearance of Dr. Parkman; he was talking with Mr. Kingsley. He, Littlefield, said he had not seen Dr. P. for three or four days. To the Court-Mr. Little- field was talking with Mr. Kingsley, on Saturday afternoon, the 24th of Nov. and I understood