Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 114   Enlarge and print image (65K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 114   Enlarge and print image (65K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
116 TRIAL OF JOHN W . WEBSTER. I found this bunch of skeleton-keys, [producted by the witness; some twenty-four in number, mostly new, or bearing marks of recent filing,] in Dr. Webster's back private room, in a drawer, tied up, as they now are. [The witness was next asked, If he had made any trial of the keys, to see what doors of the College they fitted; and what doors those were? The counsel for the defence, objected to the introduction of this evidence, as not sufficiently connected with the prisoner. On the part of the prosecution, it was stated, that it would be shown, that the prisoner had represented, that he found the keys in the street; and that, tied in the same bunch with the skeleton-keys, were other keys, acknowledged by the prisoner, to be his. It was also urged, that, as the chemical-rooms were separated from the rest of the Col- lege, and had no necessary connection with the others, as testified by Dr. Holmes, it might become material to show, that the prisoner had provided, or designed to provide, himself, with the means of access to other apartments, besides him own. The Court held the testimony, to be admissible.] Mr. Starkweather, resumes.-This key fits the dissecting-room. This, one of the locks of the door, between the lecture-room, and the back room; and this, the store-room door. The last, bears marks of having been recently filed. I cannot find, that the skeleton-keys fit any of the locks of the College. These two brass keys, (also found in the same drawer of the back private room, but on a separate string,) fit the upper, and lower, front-doors. I also found, in the drawers of the back private room, or rather, in a cupboard, which was painted on the outside, so as to resemble drawers-[Further answer arrested.] Mr. Sohier.-I should like to inquire, before permitting tthe witness to answer further, " What the Government expect to prove, in rela- tion to that cupboard? " Mr. Bemis.-We expect to show, that it contained a considerable quantity, and variety, of ardent spirits. I will add further, (to the Court,) that I do not know, in candor, that there is any necessary con- nection, between the presence of spirits there, and the commission of the homicide by the prisoner. But we submit the evidence, for what it is worth, as having a possible connection with his acts. The Court deemed the evidence inadmissible. Mr. Starkweather, resumes.-I have heard Dr. Webster make some statement, in regard to the skeleton-keys. When he was up for exami- nation, before the Police-Court, while we were waiting in the judge's private room, I said to him, in the presence of Mr. Andrevds, the jailer, " Doctor, I found some keys in your back room." " What," says he, " those hat are filed? I picked them up, in Fruit street, one day, and threw them in there, into the cupboard." Cross-examined by Mr. Sohier.-I testified before the coroner's jury. I made minutes of things at the College, as I found them. I made a memorandum of everything. I began, when I commenced the search, on Saturday. I went everywhere, on the search, to Salem, Billerica, and other towns. At the time of the conversation with Dr. Webster, at the jail, I wrote it right down, and have the paper with me. I made this writing, before I testified before the coroner's jury. I don't think, that I said anything, then, about Dr. Webster's putting his hand into his pocket, and putting it up to his mouth. I was at 'the College, on Friday, .the 30th, at half-past four o'clock P. M., with Mr. Kingsley, and saw Littlefield. I asked him, if there was any place that hdd not been searched? He said, That all had been searched bust the privy. I said, "Can we not get in, there?" Mr. Littlefield said, " No, Dr. Webster has locked it, and got the key," I spoke about coming, the next morning, and making search. I think, that Mr. Kingsley and I, went away, together.