Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 83   Enlarge and print image (65K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 83   Enlarge and print image (65K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
TRIAL OF JOHN W. WEBSTER. 85 I had no particular signal with the Doctor, to get into his room. If anybody called, I used to knock on the door. I sometint3s found the lecture-room door bolted: but seldom.. I did not knock on Friday. I tried the doors and did not think it proper to knock, simply for myself. When he was at work, I never attempted to force my way in. I did not attempt to be more accurate in my testimony before the coroner's jury, than now. I did go to Mr. Merrill, one of the jury, to correct my testimony about the turkey. I don't recollect of going to correct anything about, Tuesday's search. I may have made some minutes of testimony before the coroner's jury was held: I did, afterwards. I kept the minutes to look at. I never wrote the heads off, but once. I did not examine the rtinutrs every day. I have read, a number of times, my own minutes of testi- mony before the coroner's jury: not a hundred times; but twenty times, I guess. I kept it in a drawer, where I kept cigars, and frequently went there, to get articles. I have never had a copy of my own state- ment before the coroner's jury. I never read in the book, (exhibited by counsel,) the statement which I made before the coroner's jury. It was my own minutes, that I saw. I never heard the book read, that I recollect of. [Mr. Sohier he^e read extracts from his copy of the testimony before the coroner's inquest, to show some contradiction as to the witness's statement, about returning with his wife, Wednesday, at one o'clock, and hearing some one in the laboratory. On explanation, the apparent contradiction was seen to arise from the mis-punctuation of the copy, and the subject was dropped.] To Mr. Merrick-[who exhibited to the witness, the handbills offer- ing a reward for the discovery of Dr. Parkman.] I saw the advertise- ment, by Mr. Shaw, offering $3,000 reward, on Monday. I took one, and carried it down to the College, and showed it to 1):-. Ainsworth. I also saw the $1,000 handbill. I met Trenholm distributing them. I saw these handbills stuck up in great numbers about all the College, and the sheds in its vicinity; more there, than anywhere else, within the same extent. [Here the counsel for the defence intimated that they had no more questions to put to the witness; and the Court took a recess for a few minutes. Subsequently, on the resumption of the session, Mr. Merrick stated, that he had another inquiry or two, to maks if the witness, and he resumed the stand.] Mr. Littlefield,--Cross-examination continued:-to Mr. Merrick.-I was at the toll-house on Craigie's Bridge Sunday afternoon, about dark; was there with Mr. Todd, on the way to East Cambridge. I don't recol- lect saying, in any conversation which I had there, that I saw Dr. Park- man come into, and afterwards go out of the College. I never said so; for I never saw him enter, or go out. I never said there, that I saw Dr. Webster pay him any money; nor that I knew that he had so paid him. I don't remember seeing a Mr. Green in the toll-house, at the time. Re-examined by Mr. Clifford.-I did not see the first advertisement in Saturday evenings newspapers. I never have made, or intended to make, any claim for either of the rewards which have been -tffered. I have so declared, and now state that I disavow all claim, henceforth. As to the day, when Dr. Webster gave me the order for the turkey, I happened to speak to my wife about its being Wednesday, and she said, that I was mistaken: that it was Tuesday. I then went to Mr. Foser, and found the date of the charge, the same as that upon the order. It was voluntary on my part going to Mr. Merrill to correct my evidence:. without, consultation with any Government officer. I only went once to correct my testimony. I was two days in testifying before the ,coroner's jury. I signed the book, and my deposition, at the same time. The first time, that f ever saw the cuts, or hacks, in the sink, on the