Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 57   Enlarge and print image (73K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 57   Enlarge and print image (73K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
TRIAL OF JOHN W. WEBSTER. I was called, in company with other medical or scientific gentlemen, to examine the remains found at the Medical College, in November last. I first went there, Sunday, December 2d. Some of the gentlemen had been there before, I believe. The duty of making the examination was divided. I had given into my charge, the fragments of bones found in the furnace of which I have made a catalogue, and detailed descrip- tion. The box before me, contains the fragments of bones found in the College, so far as I can judge from a general view of them. [The box produced by the City Marshal and placed on a table before the wit- nesses 'stand, was here referred to by the witness.] My attention was not especially called to the fleshy portions; though I saw them, when I entered the room at the College, in the process of being examined by Dr. Lewis and his associates. I have drawn a dia- gram, exhibiting the position, in the skeleton, of the bones found, and showing, (in so-me degree,) what would be necessary to complete the body, and here produce it. [Diagram here exhibited; the same which had been used in connection with Dr. Lewis's testimony.] I saw no marks of the body having been used, as a subject for com- mon dissection. I was struck with the fact, that the sternum had been taken out, as it would have been, by a physician, at an ordinary post- mortem examination. I was also struck with the mode of the separation of the collar-bone from the sternum, and first rib. A person without a knowledge of anatomy, would not be likely to succeed in carrying the knife through so difficult a passage, as that between the clavicle, first rib, and the sternum. This is the only way of removal by a knife. I should think, also, that the separation of the thighs showed some knowledge of anatomy, since the incisions were made directly towards the joint. My attention was not directed to the mode of separation of the neck from the trunk. I have known the saw to be used for that purpose, though it is not customary in common dissections. I supposed the remains, to be those of a person who had passed the middle period of life. The skin was very light. On turning over the thorax, I was struck with the quantity of hair on the back. I had not before seen a person with so much. It extended from the shoulder- blades, half way down the back in each side of the spine. I saw noth- ing inconsistent with the idea, that the remains all belonged to one and the same person. If a person were killed by a blow, and immediately stabbed, there would be a flow of blood, according to the depth of the stab, and the size of the vessels wounded. If the blood were effused internally, it could be removed without difficulty, so as not to leave marks or stains. A post-mortem examination can be made, without necessarily spilling blood, if pains are taken -to avoid it. They are not infrequently made upon beds, without taking pains to remove the linen sheets. I examined spots on the staircase near the lower landing, and which were supposed to be occasioned by blood; they proved, under the micro- scope to be tobacco-stains. Higher up, on the stairs, Aere spots, which the chemists, present, Doctors Gay and Jackson, supposed to be those of nitrate of copper. On Sunday, they were still moist. I have made experiments, in order to determine whether nitrate of copper will destroy blood-stains. Recent blood, under the miscroscope, always shows discs of a red color. The action of the nitrate of copper on the blood-discs was not immediate; they were, however, destroyed in a few hours. I should say, that the nitrate of copper will remove the evidence of blood-discs; and that these last, constitute the chief means by which recent blood car be detected by the microscope. I saw no spots of blood on other parts of the building. A pair of slippers, and a pair of pantaloons, were shown to me for examination. [A pair of slippers, and a pair of pantaloons, were here produced to the witness on which were spots, resembling blood. These spots were of considerable size, and distinctly visible , of the pantaloons.] The e upon the left leg slippers are the same, from which I cut per-