Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 41   Enlarge and print image (57K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 41   Enlarge and print image (57K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
TRIAL OF JOHN W. WEBSTER. tion in the median line. An opening, slightly ragged, about one and a half inches in length, under the left nipple, between the sixth and seventh ribs, extending into the cavity of the chest. Remains of the thoracic aorta and thoracic oesephagus, present. Heart and diaphragm, wanting. Trachea, divided through cricroid cartilage. Spleen, con- tracted, externally granulated, and internally red. Left kidney, in its natural position, and contracted. No liver, right kidney, pancreas, stomach, or intestines. Nota bene. The right kidney, much contracted and discolored, was discovered on the next day, and given to us. Sixteen vertebra present,-consisting of three lumbar; twelve dorsal; and the greater portion of the seventh cervical, which appeared to have been sawed through the upper part. 2d. Pelvic portion; consisting of the bones of the pelvis, two of the inferior lumbar vertebrae, all the integuments, muscles, organs of generation, and the pelvic viscera, generally. All the intestines remain- ing, were about six inches of the rectum, through the anterior and ex- ternal portion of which, a section had been made, and the mucous coat separated from it, four or five inches, throughout the whole circum- ference, but not cut off at the lower end. Hair, upon this portion, of a sandy gray. Both thighs severed from it, in a very irregular manner. Integuments and muscles divided down to the pubis, in the median line. On placing the pelvic portion in opposition with the thoracic, the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae corresponded precisely. The spinous process of 'the third lumbar ve;rtebra, with a portion of the transverse processes of the same, was absent from the thoracic por- tion, but was found attached to the fourth lumbar vertebra, which was on the pelvic portion. 3d. Right thigh; on being placed in apposition with the pelvic por- tion, the bones, muscles, and skin, corresponded perfectly. Good muscu- lar development, with but little of fatty matter. Patella attached; some ossification of femoral artery. 4th. Left thigh,-had a string about two and a half feet long, tied just above the condyle, leaving loose ends. Patella attached. On being placed in apposition with the pelvis, the bones corresponded; but some portion of the skin and flesh appeared to have been removed or con- tracted from artificial means. On the anterior surface of the thigh, and somewhat on outer parts, there were appearances of the action of fire, or some caustic matter. 5th. Left leg,-of natural appearance. fair size; and on being placed in apposition with left thigh, 'the articulation corresponded. CIE ASIJRE -NLENTS. Thoracic portion, (length.) do. circumference below axilla, Pelvic portion, (length,) Inches. Inches. 17i,a circumference below crest '.of ilium, Both thighs, (of the same length,) 'circumference of largest part of each, 1.8~ Left leg, (length to outer malleolus,) " circumference of largest part, Total, Deduct distance from bottom of pelvis to top of acetabulum, All the pains being placed in apposition, the distance from the top of seventh cervical vertebra to the outer malleolus, Difference, Total length of parts discovered, Distance from sole of foot to the outer malleolus, on another subject. Distance from top of head to seventh cervical vertebra, Total height,-flue feet, ten and a half inches, or, 57r/4