Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 31   Enlarge and print image (57K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 31   Enlarge and print image (57K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
TRIAL OF JOHN TTY'. WEBSTER. 31 both in the city, and out of the city. Messengers were sent in all direc- tions, for fifty or sixty miles, to the towns in the country, and to towns all up and down the sea-coast, including both sides of the Cape. We searched over land and water, and under the water. The river and harbor were dragged. And every report that we could hear of him, far or near, we sent and had investigated. We published and circu- lated among other things, 28,000 hand-bills, of four different notices, of which the following are copies. (Produced and read to the jury.) SPECIAL NOTICE. GEORGE PARKMAN, M. D., a well known and highly respectable citizen of Boston, left his house in Walnut street, to meet an engagement of business on Friday last, November 23d, between twelve and one o'clock, P. M., and was seen in the southerly part of the city, in and near Washington street, in conversation with some persons, at about five o'clock of the afternoon of the same day. Any person who can give information relative to him, that may lead to his discovery, is earnestly requested to communicate the same, im- mediately, to the City Marshal, for which he shall be liberally rewarded. Boston, November 25th, 1849. $3,000 REWARD. , DR. GEORGE PARKMAN, a well known citizen of Boston, left his residence No. 8 Walnut street, on Friday last. He is sixty years of age, about five feet, nine inches high; gray hair, thin face, with a scar under his chin; light complexion, and usually walks very fast. He was dressed in a dark frock-coat, dark pantaloons, purple silk vest, with dark figured black stock, and black hat. As he may have wandered from home in consequence of some sud- den aberration of mind, being perfectly well when he left his house; or, as lie had with him a large sum of money, he may have been foully dealt with. The above reward will be paid, for information which will lead to his discovery, if alive; or, for the detection and conviction of the perpetrators, if any injury may have been done, to him. A suitable reward will be paid for the discovery of his body. ROBERT G. SHAW. Boston, November 26th, 1849. Information may be given to the City Marshal. $100 REWARD will be paid for Information which leads to the recovery of a gold double-buttoned lepine turned case-waach, ladies' size, full plate, four-holed jewelled, gold dial, black figures, steel hands, no second hands, no cap. Marked, F. B. Adams & Sons, St. John street, London. No. 61,351. FRANCIS TUKEY, City Marshal, Police Office, City Hall. Boston, November 27th. $1,000 REWARD. Whereas no satisfactory information has been obtained respecting Dr. George Parkman, since the afternoon of Friday last, and fears are entertained that he has been murdered,-the, above Reward will be paid for information which leads to the recovery of his body. ROBERT G. SHAW. Boston, November 28th, 1849. Mr. Tukey, xesumes.--The suggestion contained in the first hand- bill, that Dr. Parkman had been seen in Washington street, came from a report, which was traced out, and found to be without foundation. This bears date, Sunday morning, and was published, at the instance of Messrs. Shaw and Blake. The second is dated the next day, Mon- day, and is;Mr. Shaw's reward of $3,000. The third, dated the 27th,.