Charter of Avalon from Scharf, History of Maryland, I:34-40,
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Charter of Avalon from Scharf, History of Maryland, I:34-40,
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CHARTER OF AVALON. 39 Rightes, jurisdictions, freedomes and Privileges unto the sayd Ports belonging, as to him or them shall seeme most expedient; And that all and singular the Shippes Boats and other Vessells which shall come for Merchandise and trade unto the sayd Province, or out of the same shall depart shall be Laden and Unladen only at such Ports and no other, as the sayd Sr George Calvert his heires and assignes shall erect and constitute, any use, cus- tome, or other thing to the contrary notwithstanding. Saving allwaies and ever reserved unto all our subjects, and the subjects of our heires and successors of our Kingdome of England free liberty of Fishing as well in the Sea as in the Ports and Creekes of the Pro- vince aforesayed, and the privilege of salting and drying their Fishe upon the Shoares of the sayd Province, as heretofore they have reasonably used and enjoyed the same, any thing in these presents to the contrary notwithstanding. Which Liberties and Previleges never- theless the subjects aforesayd of us our heires_ and successors shall enjoy without doing any injury or notable losse and detriment unto the sayd-Sr George Calvert his heires and assignes, or to the dwellers and Inhabitants of the sayd Province in the Ports Creekes and shoares aforesayd and especially in the Woodes growing within the sayd Province. And if any shall presume to offer any such injury or spoile, hee shall thereby incurre . the heavy displeasure of us our heires and successors, together with the danger and penalty which by the Lawes shall be unto the same. XVII. Wee doe furthermore will, appoint, and ordayne, and by these presents for us our heires and successors wee doe grante unto the sayd Sr George Calvert, his heires and assignes, that hee his heires and assignes may from time to time for ever have and enjoy all and singular the Subsidies, Customes and Impositions payable or accruing within the Ports, harbours and other places aforesayd within the Province aforesayd for all goods and Merchandises there to be laden and unladen. XVIII. And further our pleasure is and by these presents for us our heires and successors wee doe covenant and grant to and with the sayd Sr George Calvert Knight, his heirs and Assignes, That we our heires and successors shall at no time hereafter sett or make, or cause to be sett any Imposition, Custome or other Taxation whatsoever in or upon the dwellers or inhabitants of the Province aforesayd, or upon any of the Landes Tenements goods or Chattells within the sayd Province, or in or upon any of the goods or Merchandises within the sayd Province to be Laden or-unladen within the Ports or har- bours of the sayd Province. And our pleasure is, and for us our heirs and successors wee charge and command that this our declaration and grante shall be received and allowed from time to time in all Courts, and before any the Judges of us our heires and successors for a sufficient and Lawfull discharge, payment and acquittance, Commanding all and sin- gular our Officers and ministers of us our heires and successors, and enjoyning them upon paine of our highe displeasure, that they doe not presume at any time to attempt anything to the contrary of the premisses, or that they doe in any sorte withstand the same, but that they be at all times aiding and assisting, as is fitting, unto the sayd Sr George Calvert Knight, and to the Inhabitants and Marchants of Avalon aforesayd, their servants, Ministers factors and Assignes, to the full fruition and enjoying of the benefitt of this our Charter. XIX. And if perchance hereafter it should happen that any doubtes or questions should arise concerning the true sense and understanding of any words clause or sentence contained in this our present Charter, Wee will, ordaine and command, that at all times and in all things such interpretation bee made thereof and allowed in any of our Courts •whatsoever, as shall be judged most advantageous and favorable unto the sayd Sr George Calvert his heires and assignes. Provided allways that no interpretations bee admitted thereof whereby Gods holy and truly Christian Religion or Allegiance due unto us our heires and successors may in any thing suffer any prejudice or diminution. Although express mention be not made in these presents of the true yearly value or certainty of the premises or of any part thereof, or of other gifts or grantes made by us heretofore or by any of our Progenitors or predecessors unto the sayd Sr George Calvert Knight, or any