Doreen Rappaport, The Alger Hiss Trial,
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Doreen Rappaport, The Alger Hiss Trial,
Image No: 120
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122 / THE ALGER HISS TRIAL paqua on either December 27 or 28, but his wife stayed through New Year's Day. He showed a letter to his wife postmarked December 30, 1936. The defense believed the letter confirmed that Priscilla was not in Washington on that New Year's Eve, for why would Hiss write her if he was seeing her the next day? 5 /^..^ l» V Hiss also explained how things worked in his office to show that someone could have gotten in to steal the documents. Q« Did you ever leave papers on your desk? A* Yes. If I went out of the office during the day or when I went out to lunch, I would normally leave any papers I was working with on my desk. And I left my door open. Q. Did people seeing Mr. Sayre ever stop in your room?