Doreen Rappaport, The Alger Hiss Trial,
Image No: 95
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Doreen Rappaport, The Alger Hiss Trial,
Image No: 95
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Defense W^ t nesses / 97 Cross-Examination by the Prosecution The prosecutor emphasized that there was no proof that Wadleigh had taken the stolen documents. Q* Did you ever see Mr. Wadleigh take any papers in the department? A* Heavens, no. Q« Did you ever hear that he had? A. Certainly not. Q* Did you ever sit at other desks in your division and look at papers on a man's desk? A. No. I think that is lacking in courtesy. Q« How many carbons did your secretary make? A* Probably five or six. We usually sent the carbons to other interested divisions so they could study the matter at the same time. I'm sure we did this with Exhibit Number 10. I always did that. Be the Jury Since almost all the stolen documents were from the Trade Agreements Division, is it possible that Wadleigh stole them?