Doreen Rappaport, The Alger Hiss Trial,
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Doreen Rappaport, The Alger Hiss Trial,
Image No: 66
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687 THE ALGER HISS TRIAL covered the office. There were two entrances to Mr. Sayre s office, but the inner one, to the room where meetings were usually held, was locked. Q« What happened at the end of the day? A* I took signed mail off Mr. Sayre s desk and anything that needed to be locked up. I did the same for Mr. Hiss. I locked the papers in a file cabinet. The papers were usually trade agreement telegrams and copies of things written in our office. Sometimes there was a carbon of a memo written somewhere else. Q. What did you do with the information copies? A* Each week I collected them after Mr. Sayre and Mr. Hiss had read them and put them in an envelope. Later they were picked up for burning. Q. In 1938 did Mr. Wadleigh come frequently to your office? A. No. I remember only once when he came to a meeting in Mr. Sayre s office.