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Observer of the current scene and social critic

Bob Dyer,

We must think:

The crooks and liars from yesteryear were pretty crooked. Remember Spiro Agnew and Tricky Dick Nixon?

Bob Dyer

The Republican believes the banker/business man is automatically honest and trustworthy. The Democrat believes the poor and disabled are victims of a social situation and that status alone qualifies them automatically for all sorts of aid. No Democrat realizes, or will admit, that throughout this nation each town, each vicinity has in its midst at least one individual who knows more about getting around the welfare and disability rules than specialists in departments of human services. They are consulted continually by those in need or on the take. The Democrats didn't think, nor did it occur to them, that we should have cops to watch these people. We did this with the types in the savings and loan situations, Medicare rip-off artists, and car manufacturers whose cars burst into flame when hit from the rear, and who knew this would happen from documents they hidden from proper authorities? We learned this fact when we finally realized they were dishonest.

Frenzied people screamed at the very idea of investigating alleged wrong doing on the part of business people: after all, they are the ones making America go by creating all these jobs. They completely ignored the fact that nothing can be produced without people. It takes thinkers and money and workers and no one has ever been able to decide which is the most important. Just as much screaming arose from the Democrats who thought it was immoral to question the antics of the poor. As being poor, they thought, was someone else's fault, it was immoral to think the poor must demonstrate and prove their inability to work or that they should pass a means test when they expected some one else to support them. It seemed to be determined that it was un-American to require someone to prove need. Not only that, it was implied, questioning someone's status was implying dishonesty and, more seriously, it was infringing on his human rights. Such nonsense drove many of us into a lather when we saw the junk food paid for with food stamps or the people getting many forms of welfare and aid for children while they also owned snow machines or wore the latest tricky eye glasses. This was particularly galling to the ones who put off such purchases because they couldn't afford them, or put off having another child for the same reason.

While we are mentioning those who get into the public coffers improperly, we must think of the near poor, and poor, who are yelled at: "Get a job!" when there are no jobs. They see no sign of anyone from our President to our local representatives in Congress saying to business, "Stay Here!" Meaning, of course, stop having your work done at pitiful wages overseas or moving there yourselves. And stop lying about it when you say you can't stand these high United States labor prices demanded by the American worker when we are offered the work at much reduced prices to us. We have to protect our stockholders - that's what we're paid for. It is known this is a lie and that the dumper of American workers stalks low wages for his products overseas. He goes and finds the cheap producer; this cheap producer doesn't have a sales force or lobbyist. The buyer who buys overseas is not the victim of an off-shore salesman offering goodies he shouldn't resist because he simply has to watch out for his stockholders. He has pursued these low prices. Isn't it strange that these great savings are never passed on to the buyer in the American market?

Let's really think about this one - it's tearing us apart.

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