Maryland State Archives
Condition Report and Proposal for Treatment

(Queen Anne’s County Map Collection)
MSA SC 5080 – J. G. Strong Map of Queen Anne’s County, 1866


OWNER:        Queen Anne's County Historical Society

ADDRESS:     PO Box 25, Church Hill, MD 21623-0025
                       attn. Elizabeth MacGlashan, President; 410 1758-1623

OBJECT: Wall Map of Queen Anne's Co

SURVEYOR & PUBLISHER: J.G. Strong, dated 1865 based on information in Tooley's Dictionary of Mapmakers, compiled by Tooley, 1978; p.602

STRUCTURE: Map is mounted onto canvas and supported by wooden rods at the top and bottom

SIZE: H: 29 3/4" W: 38"

Date of report: 8/19/98

Examiner: Hanna Szczepanowska, Conservator

Condition upon receipt:

The map is mounted onto canvas and attached along the top and bottom edges to the wooden rods with nails. The method of attachment resulted in tears and stains caused by rusted nails. The side edge area is reinforced with canvas strips stitched to the map.

The map severely and unevenly discolored by water stains and white residue of unknown origin. The discoloration is caused by adhesive which as used for mounting the paper to canvas and coating which was applied to paper. Most likely it was shellac, which yellows with time. The most severe discoloration is in the top portion located along the top, with concentration in the top right corner. That area is also torn and exhibits losses of paper. Top right portion is patched with discolored glassine. Losses of paper were noted throughout, and particularly in the top area.

Severe abrasions of paper reveal canvas backing. The abrasions are scattered throughout the surface and occur most frequently along the vertical creases.

Proposed treatment:

I. Conservation Treatment of the Map:


II. Preserving content of the map via scanning.

Estimated cost:

Condition report and proposal for treatment:                    $45.00

Conservation treatment:
        Labor: 40-56hrs @ $45.00 per hour:                       $1800.00-$2420.00
        Materials:                                                                $110.00

Preparatory work for scanning:                                        $45.00



Hanna Szczepanowska, Conservator
Maryland State Archives