Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Edith Houghton Hooker
MSA SC 3520-13609
As a vocal advocate for female suffrage, Edith Houghton
Hooker was one of the most innovative and successful suffrage leaders in the
State of Maryland.
Realizing that a federal amendment was the only path to secure suffrage for Maryland women, Hooker’s local campaigns helped
deconstruct the social barriers and misconceptions that deterred many from
favoring female suffrage, and her efforts in Maryland helped women gain the right to vote
Edith Houghton was born in Buffalo, New York
on December 29, 1879. She attended Bryn
Mawr College
in Pennsylvania and continued her education at
the Johns Hopkins University
Medical School.
She was one of the first women that attended the medical school, thanks to the
efforts of Elizabeth King Ellicott. During her time
at Johns Hopkins, she met her husband, Dr. Donald Hooker, and the two spent a
year in Berlin, Germany
before returning to Baltimore.
Hooker began social work in Baltimore
where she bore witness to the unhygienic and restricting conditions faced by
mothers and children in the city. This prompted her involvement in the Maryland suffrage
movement, and she first joined Elizabeth King Ellicott’s Equal Suffrage League
of Baltimore in 1907.1
Soon after rising in the ranks of Ellicott’s league, Hooker resigned
and began her own suffrage organization, the Just Government League. This
league was directly affiliated with the National American Suffrage Association.
Hooker began her Just Government League at a difficult time for suffragists in Maryland since female
suffrage bills were recently defeated twice by the state legislature. Realizing
that the state legislature would never grant suffrage to Maryland
women, Hooker now understood that a federal amendment, rather than state legislation,
was the only way to ensure suffrage for Maryland
women. She abandoned the policies of other leading Baltimore suffrage leaders and adopted the
direct action policy of Alice Paul, a militant suffragist who fought for
federal a suffrage amendment.2
Thus began Edith Hooker’s unconventional yet effective
method of educating Marylanders about the female suffrage movement and the logic
behind giving women voting rights. Automobiles were a novel concept in the
early 1910s and women, especially the members of high society, usually did not
drive. Hooker defied social norms when she began driving to various locations
in Baltimore City in order to conduct “open air
suffrage meetings” and answer questions pertaining to the suffrage movement. According
to Hooker, women should have the right to vote on domestic grounds since the
cleanliness level and purity level in Maryland
would increase if women had the ability to vote. In one open air suffrage
meeting, she defended her belief that milk would be purer and the City’s water
would be cleaner if women could vote “because we are mothers and, therefore,
would take more interest in this matter than the men would.”3 In
response to a critic who asked what women would do with their babies when they
went to vote, Hooker responded that “we have to leave the baby every day while
we attend the market…Surely, if we can leave him every day in the year to
attend to the buying of home necessities we can leave him one day in the year
to vote.”4
Hooker gained followers through her ingenious method of
spreading information, and she and other members of the Just Government League
continued to stress the necessity of female suffrage through open air meetings.
Noting the disgusting and unhygienic nature of the streets, Hooker told the
public that “when a woman is trying to look out for her family, she does not
like to see dead horses lying in the alley. If you give her the ballot, she
will see to it, too, that there will be very little tuberculosis in the
schools, less typhoid fever from impure water, and fewer other ills which come
from municipal housekeeping.”5
Katherine Houghton Hepburn, the mother of famous actress
Katherine Hepburn, often joined her sister Edith in Baltimore to participate in Edith’s meetings.
Hepburn was involved in the suffrage movement in Connecticut
and was president of the Equal Franchise League chapter in Hartford. Both Hooker and Hepburn argued for
female suffrage on behalf of marriage, saying that women would be better
companions for men if they could discuss politics. The only way women could
become actively involved in politics, and thus become better wives, was if they
were granted suffrage.6
During the winter months, Hooker and the Just Government
League retreated indoors to parlors to spread their message, and these meetings
were attended by both pro- and anti- suffragists. Hooker began her methods of
informing the public about suffrage around 1910, and, in 1913, she organized
214 parlor meetings which had a total attendance of 19,410 and eighty-six open
air meetings where over 9,500 men and women attended.7 Clearly,
residents of Baltimore
were interested in learning more about the suffrage movement through Hooker.
In 1915, the Just Government League boasted 17,000 members, making
that it the largest suffrage organization in the State of Maryland at that time. Hooker utilized many
other mediums to spread her messages about female suffrage, including editing
the Maryland Suffrage News. This was a “weekly paper noted for its accurate reporting and intelligent
analysis of suffrage news both in Maryland and
in neighboring states,” and the paper had readers in Maryland,
Virginia, Pennsylvania,
Delaware, New York,
and even California.8 Hooker’s
success as an effective organizer and intelligent suffragist attracted much
attention, and, in 1917, she was offered the position of editor of The Suffragist, the official paper of
the National Woman’s Party.
Although she spent most of her time advocating for suffrage
within Maryland,
Hooker still participated in national movements and campaigns for female
suffrage. The National American Suffrage Association had already voiced their
dislike for Woodrow Wilson, using the slogan “He kept women out of suffrage.”
Hooker adopted this slogan and led the campaign against Wilson
in Maryland. Wilson was re-elected in
1916, prompting the National Woman’s Party to constantly picket in front of the
White House. Hooker, along with many of her other suffrage acquaintances,
participated in the picket lines. The protests lasted for three months, until
the United States
announced its involvement in World War I and the government arrested all the
As an advocate for federal suffrage, Edith Houghton Hooker
saw her dream become a reality when the United States Congress passed the 19th
Amendment. She, however, like all other women in the state of Maryland,
found themselves in a tumultuous situation after the Maryland legislature refused to ratify the
amendment. The amendment eventually received its needed national majority and became
law. After many years of rejection, women in Maryland could finally vote, and Hooker’s
continuous efforts were not in vain.
Hooker continued her role as president of the Just
Government League after federal suffrage was granted to women. She continued to
fight for equal rights for women in Maryland,
and, in 1922, Hooker and the Just Government League brought a bill before the Maryland legislature
that granted women equal political and civil rights with men. The League
rejoiced a month later when their Equal Rights Bill was passed by a 75 to 30
vote in the House of Delegates. The bill provided Maryland with a new set of rights, such as
“exercise of suffrage, holding public office, choice of residence for voting
purposes, care and custody of children, and freedom of contract.”10 This
bill, however, was rejected by the Maryland Senate on the grounds that the
measure was “still far too extensive in the equality of rights and
obligations.”11 The
Senate revised the bill and only included the section about women legally
holding office and also added another addition to the bill which stated that
“words and phrases used in creating public offices and positions shall be
constructed to include the feminine gender”.12 The
revised bill allowing women to hold office was approved by both the House of
Delegates and the Senate on April 13, 1922.13 Maryland women were now allowed to extend their new influence in the government thanks to
the work of Hooker.
Edith Houghton Hooker passed away in 1948 after a seven-year
struggle with illness.14 She
was a unique and independent suffragist, and her novel technique of directly
reaching out to voters dispelled myths and informed the ignorant about the
advantages of female suffrage. Her efforts to ensure equal rights to women benefited
women in Maryland
and throughout the entire country. As an unrelenting suffrage pioneer, Edith
Houghton Hooker deserves her commemoration in the Maryland Women’s Hall of
1. Mal Hee
Son Wallace, “Edith Houghton Hooker, 1879-1948: Suffragist Leader,”
in Notable Maryland Women, ed. Winifred G. Helmes,
Ph.D. (Cambridge: Tidewater Publishers, 1977), 183. Return to text
FOR SUFFRAGE: Mrs. Hooker Silences Questioner At Light And Baltimore
Streets MR. REED LEWIS INTERRUPTED Remarks From The Audience Relate To Husbands
And Babies Of Voting Women,” Baltimore Sun, July 19, 1910. Return to text
FOR THE WIFE: Mrs. Hooker Shows Influence Of A Woman's Vote On The Home SHE
SPEAKS IN EAST BALTIMORE Uses Sidewalk As Her Rostrum--Last Week Of Summer
Campaign Begun,” Baltimore Sun,
August 9, 1910. Return to text
PLEAD FOR VOTE: Mrs. Hepburn and Mrs. Hooker Speak At Same Meeting; Only Men In
The Audience,” Baltimore Sun, August 6, 1910. Return to text
10. “WOMAN
EQUAL RIGHTS IS PASSED BY HOUSE: Party Lines Are Broken When Measure Goes
Through, 75 to 30; Modeled on Wisconsin Law,” Baltimore Sun, May 1, 1922. Return to text
“Blanket Women’s Rights Bill Is Slaughtered In Senate; Measure Sponsored By
Just Government League is Tabled By Vote Of 17 To 9—Administration’s Plan
Advanced,” Baltimore Sun, March 23,
1922. Return to text
14. “MRS.
HOOKER, LONG ILL, DIES: Two Sons, Three Daughters Survive Suffrage Pioneer,” Baltimore Sun, October 24, 1948. Return to text
Biography written by 2014 summer intern Sharon Miyagawa.
to Edith Houghton Hooker's Introductory Page
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