Source:  Baltimore Sun Sunspot

                   Tripp judge and media age
                    Expert: Diane O. Leasure, presiding in the high-profile Howard
                    County case, is using a consultant to help in dealing with the press.

                   By Del Quentin Wilber
                           Sun Staff

                    As lawyers prepare to
                    argue another set of
                    motions today in the
                    criminal case against
                    Linda R. Tripp, they will
                    be treading on worn
                    legal ground.

                    Yet, behind the scenes,
                    the Howard County
                    Circuit judge overseeing
                    the case has quietly
                    taken some inventive
                    approaches to dealing
                    with a high-profile trial in the media age. Judge Diane O. Leasure is
                    consulting with a public relations specialist, providing thick packets of
                    information to reporters and posting her rulings and other filings on
                    the Internet.

                    "It's very imaginative," said Charles E. Moylan Jr., a judge on the
                    state Court of Special Appeals. "I can recall no other instance of an
                    actual media consultant."

                    Referring to the Internet postings, Moylan said, "That is probably the
                    smart thing to do to get into the 21st century."

                    From the beginning, Leasure was worried about the news media
                    getting out of control, especially in light of the O. J. Simpson trial.

                    Enter Harry Bosk.

                    In November, Bosk started a public relations company, after
                    working for a year as a spokesman at the University of Maryland,

                    Through a friend, he heard that Leasure might need help.

                    Leasure and Bosk met, but the judge had some bad news: She
                    couldn't pay him.

                                   "She said she didn't want any court funds spent
                                   on this," Bosk said. "She said they were looking
                                   for somebody to do this pro bono."

                                   Bosk agreed to help, as long as he could use the
                                   case to get more clients. So far, he has reviewed
                                   news releases and helped Howard Circuit Court
                                   Administrator John Shatto decide what to put in
                                   media packets.

                                   "I made a few suggestions," Bosk said.

                    Shatto said the court has spent "several hundred dollars" on the Tripp
                    case, mostly in making photocopies for press packets and the plastic
                    courtroom passes reporters are required to wear.

                    The media packets don't resemble those dispensed during
                    high-priced advertising campaigns.

                    Instead, Shatto and Leasure focused on the basics: a blue folder,
                    stuffed with motions, fact sheets, contact information, index cards for
                    reporters to submit written questions to Leasure and a brochure,
                    "Visitors Guide for Howard County."

                    Officials were able to cut costs on some copies, Shatto said, because
                    they have been posting filings on the Internet
                    (, which is state-run and free.

                    The Web site also displays a brief biography of Leasure. "Judge
                    Diane O. Leasure is 47 years old and married. She and her husband
                    are parents of a fourteen year old son."

                    The site also apparently is meant to help television and radio
                    reporters: Leasure is pronounced (Lay-sure), it says.

                    Leasure and Shatto also established a telephone update line,
                    410-313-3053, for those who don't have computers.

                    "Access to the court by the public and media is part of our mission,"
                    Shatto said.

                    While reaching out to reporters and the public, Leasure also has
                    restricted their presence at the courthouse, forbidding reporters from
                    conducting interviews in courtroom hallways and warning the public
                    about "any item on their person or exhibit any sign which, in the
                    opinion of the Court, may tend to influence any juror or affect the
                    orderly administration of justice."

                    Tripp was indicted in July on two counts of violating Maryland's
                    wiretapping law for tape-recording a telephone conversation Dec.
                    22, 1997, with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky and
                    then having her lawyer disclose the contents of that recording to
                    Newsweek magazine.

                    The disclosure of the tape and many others Tripp made revealed a
                    sexual relationship between Lewinsky and President Clinton, who
                    was impeached in December 1998.

                    If convicted, Tripp could receive 10 years in prison and a $20,000
                    fine. Her trial is scheduled for July.

                    Today, Tripp's lawyers will be asking Leasure to toss out the
                    indictment, saying the evidence gathered by state prosecutors was
                    tainted by immunized testimony Tripp gave to federal authorities
                    investigating Clinton.

                    State prosecutors have conceded that some of their evidence was
                    tainted, but say the vast majority was gathered without Tripp's
                    protected information. They are asking Leasure to let the case
                    proceed to trial.

                    The lawyers battled it out at a November hearing, then another in
                    December that lasted a week when state prosecutors produced
                    witnesses, including Lewinsky, to prove their case was not tainted.

                    As those hearings progressed, the press contingent grew, with a
                    dozen television satellite trucks in the courthouse parking lot in
                    Ellicott City.

                    More than 70 reporters, from national broadcast outlets to national
                    magazines and local weekly newspapers, requested credentials to
                    cover the proceedings, and Courtroom 1 was packed as Lewinsky
                    took the stand.

                    Most courtroom observers are not expecting a crush of reporters
                    and onlookers today for the motions hearing, which will center
                    mostly on legal issues.

                    Tripp's lawyers have said their client likely will not show up, and no
                    high-profile witnesses are expected to testify. Leasure is not
                    expected to rule today.

                   Originally published on Mar 29 2000