Volume 862, Page 72 View pdf image |
Court Anno Domini 1746 The aforesaid Sum of Tobacco to the said John hath not Rendered or paid but the same to him to Render & pay hath hitherto altogether Refused and Stil doth Refuse to the Damage of the said John Twenty Thousand pounds of Tobacco & therefore he brings suit & so forth and he brings hereinto Court as well the Writing obligatory as the Writing of assignment afs.d which the Debt & assignment thereof as afs.d Testify the defts whereof are the several at Days and years aforesaid Pled.s &C John Doe & Rich.d Roe And the said Thomas Mudd by Thomas Clark his Attorney comes & defends the force & Injury when and so forth & prays a hearing of the Writing obligatory afs.d & it is Read unto him & he prays a hearing of the Condition of the said obligation & it is Read unto him in these Words The Condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound Wm Theobalds Rich.d Gambra & Thomas Mudd their Heirs Ex.rs or Adm.rs do & shall well and truly pay or Cause to be paid unto the said Corn.s Sandford his certain Attorney Ex.rs Adm.rs or Assigns the Just Sum of Six Thousand One Hundred pounds of Good Sound Merchantable Leaf Tobacco in Cask in Charles County at or upon the first day of January Next Ensuing the date hereof with Legal Int But the same then the above Obligation to be Void Else to Remain in full force and Virtue in Law but if default be made in the payment of the said sum of Six Thousand One Hundred pounds of Tobacco afs.d then we Impower any attorney in any Court of Record in the Realms of Great Britain France or Ireland or within the province of Maryland or other his Majestys Dominions to appear for us at the suit of the abovementioned Corn.s Sandford his Ex.rs Adm.rs or assigns and to Receive a Declaration or Declarations on the above obligation & thereupon to Confess Judgment by Nildicit Cognovit Actionem Nonsum informatus or otherwise hereby Releasing all the Errors that may happen upon the said Judgments suing out Executions thereupon or in any of the Proceeding thereunto Relating The following Assignment was Annext to the foregoing Bond Maryland Charles Country ss.t Know all men by these presents that I Corn.s Sandford of Charles County in the province of Maryland Innholder Whereas W.m Theobalds Richard Gambra & Tho.s Mudd of Charles County Planters by their obligation bearing date the eleventh day of august seventeen Hundred & forty six are and stand bound unto me the said Corn.s Sandford in the sum of Twelve Thousand Two Hundred pounds of good sound Merchantable Leaf Tobacco in Cask w.th Condition for the payment of six Thousand One Hundred pounds of Good Sound Merchantable Leaf Tobacco in Cask in Charles County at or upon the first day of January Next Ensuing the date hereof as by the said obligation doth more fully appear Now Know ye that I the said Corn.s Sandford have hereby made ordained Constituted and appointed and authorized John Muschett of the County and Province afs.d Merchant my Lawfull Attorney in my Name and for his own & Companys use and behooff to ask Demand Receive Sue for & Recover the said Sum of Tobacco in the afs.d Bond mentioned against the said William Theobalds Richard Gambra & Thomas Mudd or Either or any of them as to him shall seem fit and generally to detain do therein to final judgment & Execution in as large full & ample a manner to all Intents and Purposes as I the said Corn.s Sandford may can might Could should or ought by virtue force a Reason of the said Recited obligation In Witness whereof I have hereunto Put my hand and seal this Twenty Seventh day of February in the year of our Lord Seventeen & forty six seven Sealed & Deliv.d In the presence of Corn.s Sandford (H) the words to Act & Company's being first Interlined J Chase Which being Read and heard the said Thomas Mudd by his Attorney afs.d Comes & defends the force and Injury when &C.a and the said Attorney saith that he is not Informed by the said Thomas of any answer to be given to the said Thomas to the said John in the premises nor hath he any other thing to say thereof in barr or Preclusion of the Action afs.d of him the said John which by the s.d John Remains against the said Thomas undefended Therefore it is Considered that the s.d John Recover against the said Thomas his Debt & Costs afs.d and his Damages by occasion of (detaining) |
Volume 862, Page 72 View pdf image |
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