July the 27.th 1736
Decemb.r 24.th
Jan.ry 1.st 1736/7
2.d 1736/7
February 3.d
February 4.th
ye 8.th
March the 6.th
7.th D.o
8.th D.o
y.e 18th Aprill
May the 12.th
Janry 12.th 1737/8
ye 17.th D.o
Febry the 4.th
March 15
March 25
Aprill 1.st 1738
y.e 3.d Aprill
Aprill 3.d 1738
June 18.th
July 13.th & 15
Aug.t 12
To half pt Rum
To 1 Nib of punch
To 1 Gill of Rum 4.d to 1 pint stewd Rum 1.8.d
To 1 qt Rum 18.d to half pint french brandy 3.d
To half pint Rum 8.d to 2.ℓℓ Sugar 16.d
To 1 q.t Cyder 3.d
To 1ℓℓ Sugar 8.d to 2 Gills Rum 8.d to 2 qt.s
Rum 3/
To 3 p.ts flip 18.d to 1 pint Rum and 1 Gill Rum
To 4 Gills Rum 16.d ^1 quart flip 2.d^ to 1 qt
Rum 1/9.d to 1 Nib punch qd
To 1 boul punch 1/6 to half pint orange water 10.d
To 1 pint orange water 1/8.d to 3 Gills Rum 1/
To 2 nibs punch 1/6 to 2 Gills Rum 8.d to 2 q.ts
and 1 Gill Rum 3/4d
To 2 qt.s Molasses 1/8.d to 1 Gill orange water 5.d
to 1 Gill Rum 4.d
To 1 Boul punch 1/ to 1 q.t flip 1/ to Gills of orange water
To 4 Gills Rum 1/4.d
To 1 Gill orange water 5.d to 1 Gill of Rum 4.d
to 1 Gill Rum more 4.d
To 1 1 q.t flip and 1 Gill Rum 1/4.d to 1 Gill of
Rum 4.d
To 3 Gills of Rum 1/ to 1 Gill of orange water 5.d
To 1 Boul punch 1/ to 1 Gill orange water 5d
To half a pint Rum 8.d to 1 boul punch 1/ to 1 Gil orange
water 5.d
To 3 Gills of Rum 9d
To 4 Bouls and 1 Nibb punch
To 1 Book 1/ to 1 q.t flip 1/ to 1 boul punch 1/6
To 4 Bouls of punch
@ 18.d p Boul 6/
To 3 Dinners 2/6 To 2 bouls punch 3/
To 1 Dinner 1/ To 3 nibbs punch 2/3.d to half Bushell of
Corn 1/3.d
To 2 q.t Flip 2/
To 1 Gill of Rum
To 2 nibbs of punch 18.d To 1 Nibb D.o 9.d
to 1 q.t Beer 8.d
To 1 Gill of Rum 4.d to 1 p.t wine 1/3.d
To 2 qt.s small beer 4.d to C.r
Spencer p your order 25/
To 1 Gill Cordall 6.d to boule punch 2/6.d to 2
nibbs punch D.r
@ 18.d
To you and your man for eating 2/ To 2 nibbs punch and 3 Gils Cordial
To 1 Gill and 1 q.t Rum 2/4.d To 1 Nib punch 9.d
To 2 Gills of Rum 8.d
To 1 p.t wine 1/3 and 2 Gils Rum 8.d to 1 boule
Sangeree 1/
To 1 p.t wine 1/3 to half punt wine 7.d½
to 2 pints wine 2/6
To 2 bouls sangeree 2/6.d To 1 boul punch 1/ To 2 p.t
/2 wine 3/1d½
To 1 q.t Flip and 1 Gill Rum 1/4.d To 2 qt.s
beer and 1 pt wine 2/7.d
To 3 nibbs punch and 1 pt wine 5/
To 1 Dinner and 1 boul punch 2/
To 1 pt wine 1/3.d to 1 Dinner 1/
To 1 Barrell Beer
£0..0.. 8
0..0.. 9
0..1 .. 9
0..2.. 0
0..0.. 3
0..4.. 4
0..2.. 4
0..2.. 8
0..5.. 6
0..2.. 5
0..1.. 4
0..1.. 1
0..1.. 8
0..1.. 5
0..2.. 6
0..2.. 1
0..0.. 9
0..4.. 9
0..3.. 6
0..6.. 0
0..5.. 6
0..4.. 6
0..2.. 0
0..0.. 4
0..1.. 7
1..3.. 4
0..4.. 6
0..5.. 0
0..3.. 9
0..4.. 4½
0..6.. 7½
0..5.. 0
0..2.. 0
0..2.. 3
2..0.. 0