Volume 851, Page 203 View pdf image |
June Court
203 John Donelson is Indebted unto him the Sum of Seventeen pounds nine shillings & three pence Curr.t money of Maryland and Twenty one pound One shilling and four pence halfe penny Curr.t money of Boston in New England and is Removed out of his County from the Usuall place of his residence their in a secrett manner and hath removed part of his Substance to deceive his Creditors or absconds and fly from Justice You re therefore hereby required in his Lordships Name to Issue an attachment for the afd debt or damages and the Incident Costs date this 7.th day of June anno Dom 1736 Edwd Rownd To M.r Thomas Hayward Cl Somerset County Pursuant to act of assembly in Such Case made and provided and in Obediance to the abovesaid Warrent was Issued the attachment following Vizt Somerset ss Charles absolute Lord and proprietary of the provinces of Maryland and avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &.c To the sher of Somerset County Greeting wee Command you that attach any the goods Chattles rights or Creditts of John Donnelson Late of Somerset County Marriner if they shall be found in your bailywick to the value of seventeen pounds nine shillings and three pence Currant money of Maryland and twenty one pounds one shilling and four pence halfe penney Boston money and five hundred pounds of tobacco and when you have the same attached or any part thereof the same in your Custody safe keep so that you have the same before our Justices of our County Court of Somerset to be held at dividing Creek the third tuesday of June next then and there to be Condemned According to act of assembly to and for the ^use^ of a certain Samuel Hopkins Unless the said John Donelson by himself or his attorney shall appear and answer unto the said Samuel Hopkins in a plea of trespass upon the case &.a According to law and that by good and lawfull men of your bailywick you make known unto the person or persons in whose hands you make the same attachment that he she or they be and appear before our Justices ^of^ our County Court to be held as af.d to shew cause if any he she or they have why the same goods Chattles rights or Creditts so attached in his her or their hand ought not to be Condemned and Execution thereof had and made According to Act of assembly (in such case made and provided) if to him her or them it shall seem meet and how you shall Execute this writt that you make known unto our said Justices at the day and place af.d and have you then and there his writt Wittness John Smith Gen.t one of our Justices of our said Court the twentieth day of March Anno Dom one thousand seven hundred and thirty five att which said third tuesday of June to witt the fifteenth day of the same month Anno Dom one thousand seven hundred and thirty Six being the day of the return of the said writt came the said Samuel Hopkins by George D^o^uglas his attorney and the sher of Somerset County to whom the foregoeing writt was directed likewise cometh and maketh return thereof to the Court here Endorsed in these words following viz.t By vertue of the within writt to |
Volume 851, Page 203 View pdf image |
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