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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1735-1737
Volume 851, Page 107b   View pdf image
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November Court           1735            (107)

Watson of a plea of trespass upon the Case &.a

And Whereupon the said John Watson by Geo: Douglas his
attorney complaines that whereas the said John Aydelott after the
first day of May Ann: Dom: Seventeen hundred & five to wit on the
Seventh day of January Ann: Dom: Seventeen hundred & thirty four
at Somerset County aforesaid did make his certain note in writing
called a promissory note with his proper hand then and there Subscribed
bearing date the day & year last mentioned & the same
note then & there to a Certain William Jennings did deliver by
which note the said John Aydelott did oblige himself to pay to
the said William Jennings his heirs &.a Eight hundred Eighty Eight
pounds of tobacco Good and Merchantable on demand and the
af.d William Jennings afterwards to wit on the day & Year af.d
last mentioned at the County af.d the af.d Eight hundred & Eighty
Eight pounds of tobacco or any part thereof not being paid or
Satisfied by a Certain Indorsement on the note af.d made and written
& by the proper hand of the said William Jennings Subscribed did
appoint the af.d Eight hundred & Eighty Eight pounds of tobacco
in the note af.d Mentioned to be paid to the said John Watson &
afterwards to wit the day & year last mentioned at the County af.d the
said John Aydelott of the Indorsement af.d had notice by means
whereof & also by force of the Statute in that case lately made and
provided the said John Aydelott became chargeable to pay to the
said John Watson the said Eight hundred & Eighty Eight pounds of
tobacco in the note af.d mentioned according to the tenor of the said
note & the Indorsement thereupon as is af.d made & being so thereof
chargeable the af.d John Aydelott afterwards to wit the day & year
last mentioned at the County af.d in Consideration thereof upon himself
did assume & to the said John Watson then & there faithfully promise
that he the said John Aydelott the said Eight hundred & Eighty
Eight pounds of tobacco to the said John Watson according to the
tenor of the said note & the Indorsement thereupon so as is af.d made
well & faithfully would pay & Content  Nevertheless the said John
Aydelott his promise & assumption af.d in form af.d made nothing
regarding but minding & fraudulently intending the said John
Watson in that part craftily and Subtilly to deceive & defraud the
said Eight hundred & Eighty Eight pounds of tobacco to the said John
Watson hitherto hath not paid or him for the same in any sort
Contented but the same to him to pay hath altogether refused &
still doth refuse (altho' the same to doe afterwards to wit the day

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1735-1737
Volume 851, Page 107b   View pdf image
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