Volume 817, Page 286 View pdf image |
286 Know all men by these presents that I John Miller of Anne Arundel County in the State of Maryland for and in consideration of the sum of five dollars Current money to me in hand paid by Charles Waters of the City of Baltimore in the State at and before the sealing and delivering of these presents the receipt whereof I the said John Miller do hereby acknowledge have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Charles Waters his Executors administrators and assigns all the Crop of Tobacco now hanging in four Tobacco houses on any farm and now in the occupation of the said John Miller To have and To hold all and singular the said Crop of Tobacco and other the premises above bargained and sold or mentioned and intended so to be to the said Charles Waters his Executors administrators and assigns for ever and I the said John Miller for myself my heirs Executors and administrators all and singular the said Crop of Tobacco and other the premises unto the said Charles Waters his Executors administrators and assigns against me the said John Miller my Executors administrators and assigns and against all and every person or persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and for ever defend In Witness whereof the said John Miller hath hereunto set his hand and seal this twenty fourth day of October Eighteen hundred and forty three Wm Glover Jno Miller (seal) At the foot of the aforegoing was thus written to wit State of maryland Anne Arundel County to wit: On this 24 day of October 1843 personally appeared John Miller before the subscriber a Justice of the peace of the State of maryland and for Anne Arundel County aforesaid and acknowledged the within bill of sail or instrument to be his act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned according to the purport true intent and meaning thereof and the Act of Assembly in such case made & provided Exd d d Wm Glover chd 53 3½ Recorded the 24 day of October 1843 This Indenture made this twenty fourth day of October Eighteen hundred and forty three Between Samuel Smith of Anne Arundel County in the State of maryland and planter of the one part and Thomas J Hall of the City of Baltimore Commission Merchant of the other part Whereas the said Saml Smith owes and stands indebted unto the said Thomas J Hall in the sum of seven hundred dollars Current money for advances of money and articles of merchandise and to secure the payment thereof is willing to Execute these presents Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Samuel Smith for and in consideration of the premises and for and in consideration of the (sum) |
Volume 817, Page 286 View pdf image |
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