2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Prince George's County -
Length of Service Award Program for volunteer fire/rescue workers,
benefit eligibility age reduced, burial benefit increased, and
administration provisions altered.......................................................... 5484
Research and Development SEE Industry and Technology
Restaurants —
Baltimore County -
Environmental law, enforcement and penalties, provisions altered........... 5422
Howard County -
Smoking in public places and places of employment, prohibitions added. 5440
Retirement Systems —
Baltimore County -
Other post-employment benefit fund for costs of health and life
insurance benefits for retired county employees, established............... 5420
Harford County -
Sheriffs Office Pension Plan, provisions altered....................................... 5435
Howard County -
County plan, limit on credit for military service, provisions repealed;
eligibility for disability benefits while on a leave of absence for
military service, provisions altered....................................................... 5443
Police and Fire Employee's Retirement Plan, definitions added and
amended; limit on credit for military service, provisions repealed;
years of creditable service attributable to unused sick leave,
provisions altered.................................................................................. 5443
Montgomery County
Employees' Retirement System and Retirement Savings Plan,
non-service connected disability retirement benefit for deferred
retirement option plan participants, refund of contributions, and
purchase of service credits, provisions altered...................................... 5452
Retirement Savings Plan, installments added as a benefit distribution
option..................................................................................................... 5451
Prince George's County -
Length of Service Award Program for volunteer fire/rescue workers,
benefit eligibility age reduced, burial benefit increased, and
administration provisions altered.......................................................... 5484
Revenue and Taxes —
SEE ALSO Development Fees and Taxes; Property Tax
Anne Arundel County
Amberley Special Community Benefit District, tax rate, provisions
altered.................................................................................................... 5412
Baltimore County -
Revenue Stabilization Reserve Account, transfer of funds to, provisions
altered.................................................................................................... 5422
Howard County -
- 5646 -