Index to the Laws of Maryland
Chapter Page
provisions altered; phasing out of the requirement for agricultural
districts and termination of agricultural districts, provisions
added ...............................................................................................
Anne Arundel County -
Violation of local environmental protection or natural resource
conservation law in the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, statute
of limitation for prosecution and disclosure in the contract for
sale of the real property involved, provisions added.................
Cecil County -
Installment purchase agreements to acquire development rights in
agricultural land, authorized......................................................
Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Program,
local jurisdiction consideration, processing, and decision on
applications for variances, provisions altered.................................
County priority preservation areas, requirements and State
certification prerequisites, provisions altered.................................
Diamondback terrapin, taking or possession prohibited for
commercial purposes and possession restricted for
noncommercial purposes; aquaculture, captive breeding, and
conservation, provisions added; associated vessel excise tax
exemption and tax credit provisions repealed.................................
Donation of conservation easement by personal representative,
trustee, or fiduciary of estate, provisions altered............................
Electric industry restructuring and reregulation, energy efficiency
and conservation, State transmission and generation facilities,
and office of retail market development, study, review and
evaluation of; special assessment on electric companies and
electricity suppliers, provisions added............................................
Energy efficiency standards for water dispensers, hot food cabinets,
certain lamps, residential furnaces, walk-in refrigerators and
freezers, AC to DC power supplies, and other products; waiver of
federal preemptions; and testing methods, provisions added..........
Fishery Management, Task Force on, established and report
required; appropriations authorized for Fisheries Research and
Development Fund and State Fisheries Management and
Protection Fund; recreational fishing license fees, increased.........
Forest conservation plans, definition of "net tract area" altered to
include certain forested areas within a floodplain or wetland,
provisions added..............................................................................
Heritage Conservation Fund, appropriation for....................................
Maryland Green Building Council, established; reports required........
Oyster Advisory Commission, established and report required;
650 4072
550 3607
569 3730
221 1595
476 2778
117 1077
118 1085
18 745
19 747
549 3596 .
568 3700
217 1575
614 3909
487 2877
115 1066
116 1072
-4981 -