2007 Laws of Maryland
Chapter Page
Appropriation for............................................................................. 487 2898
Fund repealed; fees collected by Board required to be paid into
State General Fund..................................................................... 204 1497
205 1499
Residential child care programs, standards for staff and system for
outcomes evaluation, provisions added........................................... 133 1181
Subsidy Program, appropriation for; report required........................... 487 2947
Tax credits for wages and child care or transportation expenses paid
with respect to a qualified employment opportunity employee or
a qualified employee with a disability, termination dates
extended........................................................................................... 370 2322
Child Custody —
Inmates who are pregnant or have a newborn child, special leave,
parole, or approval to participate in certain treatment programs,
provisions added.............................................................................. 91 970
Child Support SEE Support of Dependents
Children SEE Minors
Children, Governor's Office for —
Appropriation to.................................................................................... 487 2832
Residential child care programs, standards for staff and system for
outcomes evaluation, provisions added........................................... 133 1181
Children in Need of Assistance SEE Child Abuse and Neglect;
Foster Care; Social Services
Children in Need of Supervision SEE Juvenile Causes
Churches —
SEE ALSO Religion
Frederick County -
One-day special alcoholic beverages licenses, issuance to Holy
Family Catholic Community, provisions added........................ 127 1171
128 1172
New Shiloh Multipurpose Center Loan of 2001, deadline for
encumbrance or expenditure of proceeds, added............................ 199 1485
Slave church in Randallstown, bond funds for..................................... 488 3162
Cigarettes —
SEE ALSO Smoking
Fire safety performance standards for cigarettes, testing and
certification requirements, provisions added.................................. 497 3237
St. Mary's County -
Tobacco product, cigarette rolling papers, or tobacco product
coupon, distribution to a minor, prohibited............................... 604 3856
Smoking in indoor areas that are open to the public and indoor
places of employment, prohibited................................................... 501 3282
502 3303
- 4960 -