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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 3155   View pdf image
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Martin O'Malley, Governor Ch. 488
(A) New Teacher Education and Technology Complex. Provide
funds to supplement previous appropriations to construct the
new Teacher Education and Technology Complex and funds to
equip this complex.......................................................................... (B) New Perdue School of Business. Provide funds for detailed
design of the new Perdue School of Business............................... RB30 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE (Prince George's County) (A) Academic Technology Support Center. Provide a portion of the
funds to acquire a building for the University of Maryland
University College, provided that it is the intent of the General
Assembly that general funds are not used to support debt
service associated with repayment of the loan from the
University System of Maryland fund balance to acquire this
building........................................................................................... RB31 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE COUNTY (Baltimore County) (A) New Performing Arts and Humanities Complex. Provide funds
to prepare detailed plans for Phase I of the Performing Arts and
Humanities Complex, provided that it is the intent of the
General Assembly that the deferred funds be provided when
construction funding is provided for this project......................... RB34 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
(Dorchester County) (A) Oyster Production Facility - (HPL). Provide funds to construct
an oyster production facility at the Horn Point Laboratory
(Dorchester County)........................................................................ RB36 UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF MARYLAND OFFICE (Montgomery County) (A) Shady Grove Educational Center III. Provide funds to equip a
third classroom building at the Shady Grove Educational
Center.............................................................................................. RD00 ST. MARY'S COLLEGE OF MARYLAND (St. Mary's County) (A) New Academic Building. Provide funds to equip the new
Academic Building.......................................................................... RE01 MARYLAND SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF
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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 3155   View pdf image
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