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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 2426   View pdf image
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2007 Laws of Maryland
Ch. 391
2-313. (a) Unless the Board agrees to accept the surrender of a license or a limited
license, a [licensed audiologist, hearing aid dispenser, or speech-language pathologist
or holder of a limited license to practice audiology, provide hearing aid services, or
practice speech-language pathology] LICENSEE OR LIMITED LICENSEE may not
surrender the license or limited license nor may the license lapse by operation of law
while the licensee is under investigation or while charges are pending against the
licensee. (b) The Board may set conditions on its agreement with [the audiologist,
hearing aid dispenser, or speech-language pathologist, or holder of a limited license
to practice audiology, provide hearing aid services, or practice speech-language
pathology] A LICENSEE OR LIMITED LICENSEE under investigation or against whom
charges are pending to accept surrender of the license. 2-314. Subject to the hearing provisions of § 2-315 of this subtitle, the Board may deny
a license or limited license to any applicant, reprimand any licensee or holder of a
limited license, place any licensee or holder of a limited license on probation, or
suspend or revoke a license or limited license if the applicant, licensee, or holder: (1) Fraudulently or deceptively obtains or attempts to obtain a license
or limited license for the applicant, licensee, or holder or for another; (2) Fraudulently or deceptively uses a license or limited license; (3) Commits fraud or deceit in the practice of audiology, [the provision
of hearing aid services, or the practice of] HEARING AID DISPENSING, OR
speech-language pathology, OR ASSISTANCE OF THE PRACTICE OF
SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY; (4) Is convicted of or pleads guilty or nolo contendere to a felony or to a
crime involving moral turpitude, whether or not any appeal or other proceeding is
pending to have the conviction or plea set aside; (5) Obtains a fee through fraud or misrepresentation; (6) Directly or indirectly employs any unlicensed person or any person
whose license or limited license has been suspended; (7) Uses or promotes or causes the use of any misleading, deceiving,
improbable, or untruthful advertising matter, promotional literature, testimonial,
guarantee, warranty, label, brand, insignia, or other representation;
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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 2426   View pdf image
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