Volume 801, Page 1563 View pdf image |
ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 426 (iv) [Is] IF WRITTEN, IS in large, easily legible type and in formats (V) INCLUDES A LIST OF LEGAL, ADVOCACY, AND GOVERNMENT (2) The Department, in consultation with the State agencies that (3) The [one-page] information [sheet] required under paragraph (1) of (i) Upon admission or discharge of the resident; and (ii) [At least one time annually at the request of the resident] (4) The social worker shall request that the resident sign an [(c) If a resident is unable to contact outside entities without assistance, or a (d) The long-term care case manager at a local department of social services (1) Provide assistance to residents and make referrals to persons that (2) Provide the same information to the resident's health care (3) Ensure that a copy of the information provided is kept in a resident's (e) When a resident indicates an interest in receiving long-term care services (C) IF A RESIDENT INDICATES AN INTEREST IN OR A PREFERENCE FOR LIVING - 1563 -
Volume 801, Page 1563 View pdf image |
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