Emergency response technicians who were former volunteer firefighters
or emergency medical technicians, salary credit upon initial
appointment to career position, altered ................................................. 5936
Research and Development SEE Industry and Technology
Restaurants —
Wicomico County -
Restaurant permitted as special exception use in 1-1 Light Industrial
District ...................................................................................................... 5947
Retirement Systems —
Anne Arundel County -
Fire and Police Service Retirement Plans, transfer of service credit,
provisions added ...................................................................................... 5865
Fire Service Retirement Plan, Deferred Retirement Option Program
added; other provisions amended ........................................................... 5868
Volunteer fire fighters, Service Award Program, provisions altered ....... 5873
Baltimore County -
Death benefits for eligible Employee Retirement System beneficiaries
receiving an accidental disability allowance, provisions added ........... 5887
Police and fire department members, accidental disability benefits,
provisions altered ..................................................................................... 5903
Police officers and firefighters, retirement benefits and substitute
beneficiaries, provisions altered ............................................................. 5904
School bus drivers, retirement benefits, provisions added ...................... 5899
Harford County -
Sheriffs Office Pension Plan, amended ..................................................... 5906
Howard County -
Corrections employees, retirement plan provisions altered ..................... 5912
Firefighters, pension plan provisions for retirement eligibility and
benefits, altered ....................................................................................... 5911
Police officers, pension plan provisions for required contributions,
retirement eligibility, and benefits, altered ........................................... 5911
Retirement plan disability benefits, provisions altered ........................... 5915
Montgomery County -
Employee retirement programs, provisions for domestic partners,
minimum service requirements, member contributions, amount of
benefits, disability benefits, payment options, cost-of-living
adjustments, reemployment, and transfer of benefits, altered ............ 5924
Length of service award program for fire and rescue department
volunteers, benefits increased, and provisions generally amended ..... 5917
Revenue and Taxes —
SEE ALSO Development Fees and Taxes; Property Tax; Transfer Tax
Baltimore County -
Electricity consumption, tax rates established ......................................... 5892
Revenue Stabilization Reserve Account, maximum balance increased;
transfer of funds to and credit of investment income to, provisions
altered ....................................................................................................... 5894
Howard County —
Clerk of the circuit court designated to collect the recordation tax........ 5910
Fire and rescue tax, tax rate provisions altered....................................... 5912
Montgomery County -
- 6016-