Publicly owned and operated buildings deleted as permitted use in
various zoning districts ........................................................................... 5949
School improvement program and other public capital improvements,
county bond funds for .............................................................................. 5946
Public Debt —
Anne Arundel County -
Bond indebtedness limitation, provisions altered ..................................... 5880
Bel Air, bond indebtedness limitation, provisions altered ........................... 5792
Cheverly, borrowing for sewer construction, limit repealed ........................ 5797
Chevy Chase, bond indebtedness limitation, provisions altered ................. 5799
Chevy Chase View, bond indebtedness limitation, provisions repealed ..... 5800
Chevy Chase Village, bond indebtedness limitation, provisions repealed .. 5800
Greenbelt, bond indebtedness limitation, provisions altered ...................... 5810
Ocean City, bond indebtedness limitation, provisions altered .................... 5838
Ridgely, notes or other evidences of town borrowing, maximum length of
time of maturation, increased .................................................................... 5841
Rock Hall, procurement rules and regulations, bond issuance authority
and obligations, extension of water and sewer systems, and acquisition
of property for public purposes, provisions altered; charter generally
revised and corrected .................................................................................. 5842
Salisbury, bond indebtedness limitation, provisions altered ....................... 5844
Sykesville, bond indebtedness limitation, provisions altered ...................... 5846
Public Employees - -
Anne Arundel County -
Classified service, leave provisions altered ............................................... 5886
Employees subject to public ethics requirements, Department of Social
Services and Sheriffs Office employees deleted; Housing Commission,
Board of License Commissioners, and Ethics Commission members
and employees added ............................................................................... 5885
Fire and Police Service Retirement Plans, transfer of service credit,
provisions added ...................................................................................... 5865
Fire Department employees, pay schedules, pay increases, and work
week schedule designations, provisions altered .................................... 5869
Fire Service Retirement Plan, Deferred Retirement Option Program
added; other provisions amended ........................................................... 5868
Legislative counsel to the county council, pay grade altered .................. 5870
Pay schedules for classified and exempt service employees, minimum
qualifications, pay grades, class titles, longevity, placement on pay
scale, and benefits, personnel provisions altered.................................. 5876
Baltimore County -
Classification and Compensation Plans -
Fire chief class titles, provisions altered ............................................... 5887
High tree trimmer and CountyRide driver, provisions altered and
added ..................................................................................................... 5904
Death benefits for eligible Employee Retirement System beneficiaries
receiving an accidental disability allowance, provisions added ........... 5887
Military leave and pay for county employees, provisions altered ........... 5905
Personnel pay schedules, job classification titles and grades,
compensation plan rules and regulations, fire department employee
probationary period and sick leave, and police and fire department
promotion eligibility lists, provisions altered ........................................ 5892
- 6007 -