established by a final development plan; providing for decisions on concept and
final development plans, the appeal of those decisions, and the standard of
review on appeal; requiring developments in an MXD-Mixed Use Development
District to comply with adequacy of facilities; providing for a determination of
the adequacy of roads and schools at the time of concept plan approval;
providing for a reservation of school capacity conditioned on payment of a
reservation deposit; providing for an extension of the time within which to
submit a final development plan; and generally relating to MXD-Mixed Use
Development Districts.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments:
Article 28, §§ l-124(e), 15-101(a), and 15-106
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
By renumbering:
Article 28, §§ 15-104A, 15-104B, and 15-104C to be Article 28, §§ 15-104.1,
15-104.2, and 15-104.3, respectively
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY adding:
Article 28, §§ 6-501 through 6-539 to be under the new subtitle, "Subtitle
5. MXD-Mixed Use Development Districts"; and 15-104.4, 15-104.5, and
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
Bill No. 30-01
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
Solid Waste Acceptance Facilities
FOR the purpose of altering the special exception requirements for certain solid waste
acceptance facilities.
BY repealing and reenacting:
Article 28, §§ 12-215.2(13) and (14), 12-233.2(a)(11)(iv) and (12), 12-242(a)(viii)
and (ix) and (b)(21) and (22), and 12-242.2(a)(13) and (14)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY adding:
Article 28, §§ 12-215.2(15), 12-233.2(a)(13), 12-242(a)(l)(x) and (b)(23), and
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
Bill No. 31-01
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
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