PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 291
and in light of the defined term "campaign finance entity" in § 1-101 of
this article.
No other changes are made.
Defined terms: "Campaign finance entity" § 1-101
"Candidate" § 1-101
"Election" § 1-101
"Write-in candidate" § 1-101
(a) (1) [The] A certificate of candidacy may be filed:
(i) In person; or
(ii) If authorized by subsection (b) of this section, by certified mail,
personal messenger, or other delivery service designated by the filer.
(2) [The] A certificate of candidacy may not be filed by facsimile service
or other electronic transmission.
(b) [The] A certificate of candidacy may be filed as permitted under
subsection (a)(1)(ii) of this section, if:
(1) The individual filing the certificate is unable to do so in person
because of illness, military service, or temporary absence from the State; and
(2) The certificate is accompanied by an affidavit signed by the
individual filing the certificate setting forth fully the facts which prevent that
individual from filing the certificate in person.
(c) On the certificate of candidacy form prescribed by the State Board, the
candidate shall specify:
(1) The office, including, if applicable, the party, district, and circuit to
which the candidacy relates;
(2) The year of the election;
(3) The name of the individual filing the certificate;
(4) The address on the voter registry or the current address of that
(5) A statement that the individual satisfies the requirements of law for
candidacy for the office for which the certificate is being filed; and
(6) Any information requested by the State Board to verify the accuracy
of the information provided by the individual under this subsection.
(d) The certificate of candidacy shall be accompanied by:
(1) A filing fee satisfying the requirements of § 5-401 of this title;
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