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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 1782   View pdf image
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Ch. 213
2-715. After a hearing, the Board may suspend or revoke the license issued to any
licensee under this subtitle, if the licensee: (7) Commits an act of cruelty [or torture,] as [those terms are] defined
in [Article 27, § 62 of the Code] § 10-601 OF THE CRIMINAL LAW ARTICLE, or allows
the commission of an act of cruelty [or torture] by any other person with relation to
any horse under the control of the licensee; 2-716. (a) If, in accordance with [Article 27, § 67 of the Code] § 10-615 OF THE
CRIMINAL LAW ARTICLE, the Board considers it necessary to take possession of a
horse to protect it from neglect or cruelty, the Board immediately shall notify the
owner or custodian of this action. Article - Business Regulation 4- 310. (c) Subject to the hearing provisions of § 4-311 of this subtitle, the
Commission shall suspend or revoke a boxer or kick boxer license and the boxer or
kick boxer shall forfeit the boxer's purse or other compensation from the contest if the
boxer or kick boxer: (2) submits a urine sample that tests positive for the presence of a
controlled dangerous substance defined [under Article 27, § 277 of the Code] IN § 5- 101 OF THE CRIMINAL LAW ARTICLE or other substance that the Commission
prohibits by regulation. 4-315. (b) Each boxer or kick boxer in a contest shall submit to a chemical test of the
urine of the boxer or kick boxer to detect the presence of a controlled dangerous
substance defined [under Article 27, § 277 of the Code] IN § 5-101 OF THE CRIMINAL
LAW ARTICLE or other substance that the Commission prohibits by regulation. Subtitle 10. Prohibited [Acts] ACT. 11- 1001. (a) Except in accordance with a license, a person may not hold, or aid or abet
in holding, a race meeting at which horses are raced for a purse, reward, or stake. 12- 401. (b) A dealer or pawnbroker shall release to the primary law enforcement unit
an item of personal property, other than a security or printed evidence of
indebtedness, located at the place of business of the dealer or pawnbroker if: (5) the primary law enforcement unit provides to the dealer or
pawnbroker a receipt that describes the item and that notifies the dealer or
pawnbroker of the dealer's or pawnbroker's right to file an application for a statement
- 1782 -

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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 1782   View pdf image
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