(2) Three members of the House of Delegates, one of whom shall be a
member of the minority party, appointed by the Speaker of the House; and
(3) Nine Seven individuals appointed by the Governor, including:
(i) A member of the State Board of Elections;
(ii) A member of the State Ethics Commission;
(iii) A member of a statewide organization concerned with campaign
finance practices, fair elections, and ethics in government; and
(iv) Six Four additional individuals; and
(4) One member of the public appointed by the Minority Leader of the
Senate and one member of the public appointed by the Minority Leader of the House.
(c) The Governor shall designate the chairman of the Commission.
(d) The Department of Legislative Services and the State Board of Elections
shall provide staff for the Commission.
(e) The Commission shall:
(1) Collect information relating to the practice of public funding of
election campaigns in other jurisdictions in the United States;
(2) Analyze current practices in Maryland relating to campaign
contributions, funding, and activities; including:
(i) The nature and extent of campaign contributions for elections in
Maryland by donors, including individuals, corporations, political committees, unions,
and other persons or entities, and the characteristics of such donors;
(ii) The changes or trends in the total amount of contributions to
candidates for elections in Maryland over the past several decades and the nature of
such changes or trends, including but not limited to changes in the contribution
patterns of any of the donors listed in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph;
(iii) The effectiveness of current Maryland election laws in
maintaining confidence in the fairness and openness of elections, in preserving the
democratic process, and in preventing undue influence or the appearance of undue
influence by particular donors; and
(iv) The effect that the increasing need to raise substantial
campaign contributions has on the ability of elected officials to perform their duties
effectively and to serve the interests of all of their constituents equitably;
(3) Receive testimony as the Commission considers appropriate;
(4) Consider the effects of public funding of election campaigns, and if
appropriate, make recommendations for implementing a system of public funding of
statewide and legislative election campaigns in Maryland;
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