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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 147   View pdf image
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18-601. (d) A person may apply to the Administration for a scholarship under this
section if the person: (3) (I) Is at least 16 years old and a son or daughter of a member of the
armed forces who was a resident of this State at the time the parent: [(i)] 1. Died or was totally and permanently disabled as a result
of military service after December 7, 1941; or [(ii)] 2. Was declared to be a prisoner of war or missing in action,
if that occurred on or after January 1, 1960 as a result of the Vietnam conflict, and if
the child was bom prior to or while the parent was a prisoner of war or missing in
action; [(4)] (II) Was a prisoner of war on or after January 1, 1960 as a result of
the Vietnam conflict and was a resident of this State at the time the person was
declared to be a prisoner of war or missing in action; [(5) (i)] (III) 1. Is at least 16 years old and a son or daughter of any
State or local public safety employee killed in the line of duty; or [(ii)] 2. Is the surviving spouse of any State or local public safety
employee killed in the line of duty; [(6)] (IV) Is a disabled public safety employee; or [(7)] (V) Is a veteran, as defined under § 9-901 of the State Government
Article, who: [(i)] 1. Suffers a service-related disability of 50% or greater; and [(ii)]2. Has exhausted or is no longer eligible for federal veterans'
educational benefits. (f) (2) The Administration may not award more than 15 scholarships
annually under subsection [(d)(7)] (D)(3)(V) of this section. DRAFTER'S NOTE: Error: Erroneous tabulation in § 18-601(d)(3) through (7), inclusive, of
the Education Article; erroneous internal reference in § 18-601(f)(2) of the
Education Article. Occurred: Ch. 298, Acts of 2001; Ch. 581, Acts of 2000. 21-501. (d) The tax credit authorized under this section shall be allowed only for
taxable years beginning on or before December 31, [2000] 2003. DRAFTER'S NOTE:
Error: Obsolete language in § 21-501(d) of the Education Article.
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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 147   View pdf image
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