Ch. 601
[3-8.] 3-206. Levy for volunteer fire companies.
(a) The County Commissioners of Carroll County shall annually levy and
collect from the assessable property in Carroll County, as other taxes are levied and
collected, a sum of money that is needed for the County Commissioners to distribute
and pay to the volunteer fire companies, except as noted in [Section 3-8(B)]
SUBSECTION (B) OF THIS SECTION, in the County for the support, maintenance,
equipment (including ambulances) and operation of the volunteer fire companies. The
sum of money authorized by this [subsection] SECTION shall be proportioned and
distributed among the volunteer fire companies pursuant to a plan adopted by the
executive committee of the Carroll County Volunteer Firemen's Association and
approved by the County Commissioners.
(b) The County Commissioners shall provide service award payments from
appropriations as provided for in Subsection (a) of this Section to eligible volunteer
firemen as certified by the Carroll County Volunteer Firemen's Association. The
payments shall be made to those individuals who have met the adopted plan
requirements as approved by the County Commissioners. The service award
payments may be made monthly by the County directly to eligible recipients.
[3-9.] 3-207. Hospital appropriation.
The County Commissioners of Carroll County may appropriate to the Carroll
County General Hospital, Incorporated, over a period of five years commencing July
1, 1976, for the purpose of aiding in the expansion of the hospital, a sum of money not
to exceed $500,000. This money is to be paid to the hospital in the installments and
under the conditions that the County Commissioners deem appropriate.
[3-10.] 3-208. Purchase of quarries.
The County Commissioners of Carroll County are [hereby] authorized and
empowered to purchase [such] A quarry or quarries and [such] land or lands
containing deposits of gravel or stone as, in their judgment and discretion, may seem
desirable in order to secure gravel and stone for use in improving the roads of the
County, and to levy [such] taxes as may be necessary to pay for the [same]
PURCHASE. [They] THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall also have the power to sell
any or all of the land or lands [so] purchased, when not needed for securing gravel or
[3-11.] 3-209. Payments for Judge's office.
The County Commissioners shall levy annually and collect from the assessable
property in Carroll County, as other county taxes are levied and collected, [such] THE
sum or sums of money as in their discretion, may from time to time be necessary for
the stamps, stationery, mileage and other reasonable expenses incident to the office of
the [Judge] JUDGES of the Circuit Court for Carroll County.
[3-12.] 3-210. Payments for hospital.
The County Commissioners may appropriate $200,000 each fiscal year for 5
fiscal years beginning July 1, 1992, to the Carroll County General Hospital, Inc., for
Capital Improvements. The County Commissioners may levy annually and collect
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