PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 397
(10)] an employee of Dorchester County who is not a member of the
County's general pension and retirement program;
[(11)] (10) a former Baltimore City jail employee who became an employee
of the Baltimore City Detention Center and a member of the Employees' Pension
System on July 1, 1991;
[(12)] (11) an employee of the Baltimore City Community College who is
not a clerical or professional employee;
[(13)] (12) a court reporter for the Circuit Court for Charles County who is
a member of the Employees' Pension System on July 1, 1994, or transfers from the
Employees' Retirement System on or after July 1, 1994; and
[(14)] (13) a staff employee of the University System of Maryland, Morgan
State University, or St. Mary's College who is:
(i) a member of the Employees' Pension System on January 1,
1998, or transfers from the Employees' Retirement System on or after January 1,
1998; or
(ii) a staff employee of the University System of Maryland, Morgan
State University, or St. Mary's College who becomes an employee on or after January
1, 1998.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, this subtitle applies
only to:
(1) an employee of the Department of Natural Resources commissioned
by the Secretary of Natural Resources as:
(i) a Natural Resources police officer; or
(ii) a law enforcement officer, other than a Natural Resources police
(2) a law enforcement officer employed by the Maryland Investigative
Services Unit;
(3) a member of the Maryland Transportation Authority Police Force
who has the powers granted to a police officer under § 4-208 of the Transportation
(4) a deputy sheriff employed by the Baltimore City Sheriff's
(5) a member of the University of Maryland Police Force who has the
powers granted to a police officer under § 13-601 of the Education Article;
(6) a law enforcement officer employed by a participating governmental
unit that on or after July 1, 1999 has elected to participate in the Law Enforcement
Officers' Pension System;
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