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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 1238   View pdf image
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Ch, 204
(6) The establishment of an effective funding system. With State, local
and federal funding sources, this report will address the need for an effective payment
system for service providers and the need for coordination among agencies.
SECTION 37. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, it is the intent of the
General Assembly to expand the availability and improve the effectiveness of substance
abuse treatment, particularly for priority for various populations, including pregnant
women. Temporary Cash Assistance clients, and mother a of drug addicted babies
mothers of drug-addicted babies, families with children at-risk for child
abuse or neglect, women with children, adult criminal Justice clients,
juvenile criminal justice clients, welfare recipients, medical assistance
clients, and adolescents.
The substance abuse treatment system is complex because of the involvement of
many State agencies and private organizations. Therefore, the Task Force to Study the
Availability of Substance Abuse Programs shall submit a report, in consultation with
the Subcabinet and the Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, to the
General Assembly by September 1. 2000 that addresses the following issues:
(1) Plans to expand the availability of substance abuse treatment. The
report shall address how the substance abuse treatment system should be expanded,
particularly for priority for various populations, including pregnant women,
Temporary Cash Assistance clients, and mothers of drug addicted babies mothers of
drug-addicted babies, women with children, adult criminal Justice clients.
juvenile criminal justice clients, welfare recipients, medical assistance
clients, and adolescents. Expansion of treatment services would require building
infrastructure in the provider community.
(2) The need for substance abuse treatment. To develop statewide policies,
it is necessary to understand the level of substance abuse, type of substance abuse,
availability of treatment, and need for financial assistance in each jurisdiction.
(3) The allocation of treatment among populations. There are a number of
populations that are in need of substance abuse treatment. These populations include.
but are not limited to Temporary Cash Assistance clients, mothers of drug-addicted babies, families with children at-risk for child abuse or
neglect, women with children, pregnant women, adult criminal justice clients.
juvenile criminal justice clients, welfare recipients, medical assistance clients, and
adolescents. The report shall include the number of treatment slots allocated to
different populations in all agencies' programs as well as the number of treatment slots
funded by each agency.
(4) The effectiveness of treatment modalities. Evaluations of long-term
effectiveness should be a factor in determining the allocation of resources. The report
shall identify existing research on long-term outcomes in the State of Maryland, plans
for future research on long-term outcomes, and how research from other states, such as
California, may be used to evaluate Maryland programs.
- 1238 -

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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 1238   View pdf image
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