(House Bill 684)
AN ACT concerning
Information Technology Commission Board - Membership and Duties
FOR the purpose of establishing the Commission on Information Technology;
specifying the composition, appointment, terms, restrictions, and removal
procedures of the Commission members; specifying the powers and duties of the
Commission regarding Internet related issues; requiring the Commission to
submit an annual report to the Governor and the General Assembly; and
generally relating to the nature and responsibilities of the Commission on
Information Technology altering the membership and duties of the Information
Technology Board; and generally relating to the Information Technology Board.
BY repealing and reenacting, without amendments.
Article - State Finance and Procurement
Section 3-406
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1995 Replacement Volume and 1998 Supplement)
BY adding to repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article - State Finance and Procurement
Section 3 707 3-407 and 3-409
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1995 Replacement Volume and 1998 Supplement)
WHEREAS, In the past decade the Internet and related information technology
has rapidly overtaken traditional communications technologies and is now poised to
become a primary means of communication in education, business, health care, and
government; and
WHEREAS, The Internet raises a number of unique issues for the State of
Maryland, including how to facilitate both government and private electronic
commerce, how to protect the privacy of Internet users, and how to approach
Internet-related crimes; and
WHEREAS, The nature of the Internet is such that it is not amenable to
traditional state regulation and new approaches must be taken to deal with the issues
the Internet and related information technology raise, including promoting and
encouraging self-regulation; and
WHEREAS, In September 1998, the federal Internet Tax Freedom Act was
passed into law, which placed a temporary moratorium on certain types of Internet