Associate Judge, Harness Racing (@ 238.91/Day) 2 124,230
Associate Steward, Thoroughbred Racing (@ 238.91/Day) 2 124,230
State Department of Education - Headquarters
State Superintendent of Schools 1 119,000
Maryland Public Broadcasting Commission
President/CEO 1 122,550
Senior Vice President Station Manager 1 100,050
Senior Vice President Administration and Finance 1 100,050
Senior Vice President Marketing and Development 1 100,050
Senior Vice President Broadcasting 1 100,050
SECTION 4. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That if any person holding
an office of profit within the meaning of Article 35 of the Declaration of Rights,
Constitution of Maryland, is appointed to or otherwise becomes the holder of a second
office within the meaning of Article 35 of the Declaration of Rights, Constitution of
Maryland, then no compensation or other emolument, except expenses incurred in
connection with attendance at hearings, meetings, field trips, and working sessions,
shall be paid from any funds appropriated by this bill to that person for any services
in connection with the second office.
SECTION 5. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That amounts received
pursuant to Sections 2-201 and 7-217 of the State Finance and Procurement Article
may be expended by approved budget amendment.
SECTION 6. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That funds appropriated by
this bill may be transferred among programs in accordance with the procedure
provided in Sections 7-205 through 7-212, inclusive, of the State Finance and
Procurement Article.
SECTION 7. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, except as otherwise
provided, amounts received from sources estimated or calculated upon in the budget
in excess of the estimates for any special or federal fund appropriations listed in this
bill may be made available by approved budget amendment.
SECTION 8. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That authorization is hereby
granted to transfer by budget amendment General Fund amounts for the operations
of State office buildings and facilities to the budgets of the various agencies and
departments occupying the buildings.
appropriated in the various agency budgets for tort claims (including motor vehicles)
under the provisions of State Government Article, Title 12, Subtitle 1, the Maryland
Tort Claims Act (MTCA). These funds are to be transferred to the State Insurance
Trust Fund; these funds, together with funds appropriated in prior budgets for tort