PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 329
[(27)] (30) Driving after refusal, suspension, cancellation, or revocation of
license except for suspensions of license under the provisions of § 17-106, § 26-204, §
26-206, or § 27-103 of this article, or under the traffic laws or regulations of another state
as described in § 16-303(i) of this title...............................................................12 points
[(28)] (31) Any violation of § 16-301, § 16-302, § 16-804, or § 16-808(1)
through (9) of this title ..........................................................................................12 points
[(29)] (32) Homicide, life threatening injury under Article 27, § 388B of the
Code, or assault committed by means of a vehicle ..............................................12 points
[(30)] (33) Driving while intoxicated, while intoxicated per se, or while under
the influence of illegally used controlled dangerous substance ..........................12 points
[(31)](34) Any felony involving use of a vehicle ..............................12 points
[(32)](35) Fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer .............. 12 points
[(33)] (36) The making of a false affidavit or statement under oath, or falsely
certifying to the truth of any fact or information to the Administration under the
Maryland Vehicle Law or under any law relating to the ownership or operation of motor
vehicles............. ........................................... ................................................ 12 points
(b) If a conviction occurs on multiple charges based on offenses alleged to have
been committed at the same time or arising out of circumstances simultaneous in time
and place, the Administration:
(1) Shall assess points against the individual convicted only on the charge
that has the highest point assessment; and
(2) May not assess points on the remainder of the multiple charges.
(a) The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to:
(1) A blind or partially blind pedestrian using a guide dog or carrying a cane
predominantly white or metallic in color (with or without a red tip);
(2) A deaf or hearing impaired pedestrian accompanied by a guide dog; or
(3) A mobility impaired individual crossing a roadway while using any of the
following mobility-assisted devices:
(i) A manual or motorized wheelchair;
(ii) A motorized scooter;
(iii) Crutches; or
(iv) A cane.
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