Chapter Page
Oral competency in the English language, demonstration for license
to practice, and waiver of certain licensing requirements for
graduates of foreign pharmacy schools, provisions added .............. 511 2960
Physical Therapists —
Insurance fraud, expanded to include soliciting a person injured in an
auto accident to sue or hire a lawyer to sue or to seek care from a
health care practitioner; Insurance Fraud Unit required to notify
appropriate professional licensing boards of insurance fraud and
gross overutilization of health care services ..................................... 348 2262
Physicians —
Cancer registry, report of cancer patients by physicians and
freestanding ambulatory care facilities, and immunity from liability
of reporting health care providers and facilities, provisions added . 235 , 1703
Communication with patients on insurance coverage, treatment
options, or provider's reimbursment arrangements with insurer,
reimbursement by insurer, contract restrictions on insurer liability,
practice profiling, uniform voucher forms, and grievance appeal,
provisions added................................................................................. 548 3107
Contracts between nonprofit health service plans and health care
providers, submission for approval to Insurance Commissioner,
requirements repealed ....................................................................... 645 3663
Credentialing organizations and primary source verification systems,
provisions added ................................................................................. 529 3044
Disciplinary action by and corrective action agreements with Board of
Physician Quality Assurance, provisions added ............................... 419 2686
Emergency services provider reimbursement by health maintenance
organizations, provisions altered; determination of appropriate
reimbursement for federally mandated medical screening, and
study and report on how provisions affect billing patterns of
hospitals and emergency physicians, requirements added .............. 503 2934
Gynecological care from an in-network obstetrician/gynecologist who
is not a patient's primary care physician, insurance provisions
amended ............................................................................................. 579 3298.
580 3301
Identification as specialists by Board of Physician Quality Assurance,
provisions repealed ........................................................................... 436 2735
Insurance fraud, expanded to include soliciting a person injured in an
auto accident to sue or hire a lawyer to sue or to seek care from a
health care practitioner; Insurance Fraud Unit required to notify
appropriate professional licensing boards of insurance fraud and
gross overutilization of health care services ..................................... 348 2262
Medical Assistance Managed Care Program -
Impact on primary care providers and freestanding facilities of laws
and regulations authorizing or requiring enrollment of medicaid
recipients into managed care plans, study required..................... 549 3113
Implementation and structural framework, quality standards,
inclusion of historic providers, solvency, and mental health
services, provisions added .............................................................. 352 2426
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