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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 3361   View pdf image
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PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor                              Ch. 585

for the approval of attorneys' fees for representation before the Board or before the court
upon judicial review as [ hereinafter] PROVIDED UNDER THIS SUBHEADING[.];

[(c)] (3) To request from the State's Attorney, Department of State Police,
county or municipal police departments [such] ANY investigation and data as will enable
the Board to determine if, in fact, a crime was committed or attempted, and the extent, if
any, to which the victim or claimant was responsible for [his] THE CLAIMANTS OR
VICTIM'S own injury [.];

[(d)] (4) To hear and determine all claims for awards filed with the Board
[pursuant to this article] UNDER THIS SUBHEADING, and to reinvestigate or reopen
cases as the Board deems necessary[.];

[(e)] (5) To direct medical examination of victims[.];

[(f)] (6) To hold hearings, administer oaths or affirmations, examine any person
under oath or affirmation and to issue summons requiring the attendance and giving of
testimony of witnesses and require the production of any books, papers, documentary or
other evidence. The powers provided in this subsection may be delegated by the Board to
any member or employee [thereof] OF THE BOARD. A summons issued under this
subsection shall be regulated by the Maryland Rules of Procedure[.];

[(g)]](7) To take or cause to be taken affidavits or depositions within or without
the State[.]; AND

[(h)] (8) To render each year to the Governor, to the Secretary [of Public Safety
and Correctional Services], and, subject to § 2-1312 of the State Government Article, to
the General Assembly a written report of the activities of the Board.

DRAFTER'S NOTE: This section is transferred from Art. 26A, § 4 of the Code.

In subsections (b) and (d) of this section, the references to "subheading" is
substituted for the former overly broad references to "article" for accuracy.

The only other changes are in style.

(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the following persons shall
be eligible for awards [pursuant to this article] UNDER THIS SUBHEADING:

(1)     A victim of a crime;

(2)     A surviving spouse or child of a victim of a crime who died as a direct
result of [ such] A crime;

(3)     Any other person dependent for principal support upon a victim of a
crime who died as a direct result of such crime;

(4)     Any person who is injured or killed while trying to prevent a crime or an
attempted crime from occurring in [his] THE PERSON'S presence or trying to apprehend
a person who had committed a crime in [his] THE PERSON'S presence or had, in fact,
committed a felony;

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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 3361   View pdf image
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