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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 1160   View pdf image
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Ch. 78


(3) (i) The members shall represent a cross-section of the economic
composition of Washington County and shall be selected because of their known interest
and expertise in economic development.

(ii) It is advisable to select members that represent commerce,
industry, health services, agriculture, banking, construction, labor, real estate, retailing,
transportation, utilities, service industries, and the professions.

(b)     (1) The Commission shall establish a nominating Committee to fill vacancies
on the Commission.

(2)     The nominating Committee shall forward to the Commission the names
of at least 2 nominees to fill a vacancy on the Commission.

(3)     The Commission may approve or disapprove the recommendations of
the nominating Committee.

(4)     If the Commission approves the qualifications of the candidates, the
Commission shall submit a list of nominees to the County Commissioners and a separate
list of nominees to the Mayor and City Council for approval or disapproval by the
appropriate appointing authority.

(c)     In appointing a member to fill a vacancy, the appropriate appointing
authority, either the County Commissioners or the Mayor and City Council shall give
reasonable and fair consideration to the nominations submitted by the Commission.]


(a)     (1) The term of a member is 4 years.

(2)     (i) A member may be appointed to 1 additional term of 4 years.

(ii) After serving two 4-year terms, a member may not be reappointed
until at least 1 year has elapsed.

(3)     The terms of the members are staggered as determined by each
appointing authority.

(b)     Each member shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for
necessary travel and other expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

(c)     (1) The Commission shall select from its own membership a chairman and a
vice-chairman to serve a term of 1 year.

(2) (i) The chairman and vice-chairman may be appointed to 1 additional
term of 1 year.

(ii) After serving 2 1-year terms as chairman or vice-chairman, a
member may not be reappointed to that office until at least 1 year has elapsed.

(d)     The Commission may establish standing committees as necessary to conduct
the business of the Commission.

(e)     (1) There is an executive committee of the Commission.

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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 1160   View pdf image
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