Bill No. 94-49
AN ACT to add new Section 123-43.6, Tax Abatement for the Fallston Airport to Article
II, Real Property Tax Credit, of Chapter 123, Finance and Taxation, of the Harford
County Code, as amended; to provide authorization for the State Department of
Assessment and Taxation to exempt the owners of the improved runway and taxiway
at the Fallston Airport from County Property Tax pursuant to Section 8-302 of the
Tax Property Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland; and generally relating to
the exemption.
[Effective Date September 13, 1994]
Bill No. 94-60
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Subsection D, Equal Benefit
Assessments of Section 256-30, Method of Assessment, of Article I, General
Provisions, of Chapter 256, Water and Sewers, of the Harford County Code, as
amended, to provide that certain benefit assessments for certain properties are the
responsibility of the County and not of the property owner; to reenact certain
provisions from Bill 92-1 relating to water and sewerage assessments which were
inadvertently repealed by Council Bill 92-73; and generally relating to water and
sewerage assessments.
[Effective Date October 11, 1994]
Bill No. 94-62
AN ACT to add a new definition to Section 267-4, Definitions, of Article I, General
Provisions, of Part 1, Standards; to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
Subsection A of Section 267-11, Variances, of Article II, Administration and
Enforcement, of Part 1, Standards; to add new Subsection 10, Buffer Exempt Areas
and the Buffer Exempt Area Maps attached hereto and incorporated herein by
reference to Section 267-41.l.G.(4)(a), of Section 267-41.1, Chesapeake Bay
Critical Area Overlay District, of Article VI, District Regulations, of Part I,
Standards; and to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Subsection (4), Accessory
structures, minor additions, of Section 267-41.1 F, Regulation of uses in the critical
area overlay district, and to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
267-41.1.H, Variances, of Section 267-41.1, Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Overlay
District, of Article VI, District Regulations, of Part 1, Standards, of Chapter 267,
Zoning, of the Harford County Code, as amended, to repeal the provision
concerning accessory structures and minor additions in the buffer area and to
provide for changes in the Buffer Area for land in the Critical Area, to amend the
standards for variances for land in the Critical Area, and generally relating to
changes to the local Critical Area Program.
[Effective Date December 6, 1994]
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