H.B. 407
(2) The Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene is the chairman of the
Council for a term of 12 consecutive months beginning on July 1, 1987. The Secretary of
Human Resources shall succeed the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene as chairman
for a term of 12 consecutive months, the Secretary of the Department of Juvenile
[Services] JUSTICE shall succeed the Secretary of Human Resources for a term of 12
consecutive months, the State Superintendent of Schools shall succeed the Secretary of
the Department of Juvenile [Services] JUSTICE for a term of 12 consecutive months and
the Special Secretary of the Office for Children, Youth, and Families shall succeed the
State Superintendent of Schools for a term of 12 consecutive months.
(3) After the initial 5-year cycle of rotation of the office of chairman, each
voting member shall serve as chairman for a 12-month term in the order set forth in
paragraph (2) of this subsection.
Each local coordinating council shall include at least 1 representative from:
(1) The Mental Hygiene Administration;
(2) The Department of Juvenile [Services] JUSTICE;
(3) The Developmental Disabilities Administration;
(4) The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration;
(5) The local board of education;
(6) The local health department; and
(7) The local department of social services.
(a) It is the policy of the State, with certain exceptions, to prevent the removal of
a child from the child's family for out-of-home placement without first providing the
family with family preservation services that would promote the integrity of the family and
avoid inappropriate out-of-home placements, which increase costs to the State and
diminish the ability of a parent to care adequately for the child.
(b) (1) By January 1, 1993, the Special Secretary for Children, Youth, and
Families, the Secretaries of Health and Mental Hygiene, Human Resources, Juvenile
[Services] JUSTICE, and Budget and Fiscal Planning, and the State Superintendent of
Schools shall develop a joint plan for the provision of family preservation services.
(2) Representatives of the Child Advocacy Community and other
appropriate organizations shall be consulted in the development of the plan.
(3) The plan shall include:
(i) A schedule for phasing in family preservation services with a goal
that, as resources are made available, all families determined to be suitable for these
services after July 1, 1995 shall receive them;
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